Sermon for the First Sunday in Lent
Genesis 3:8-10 That evening they heard the Lord God walking in the garden, and they hid from him among the trees. But the Lord God called out to the man, “Where are you?” He answered, “I heard you in the garden; I was afraid and hid from you, because I was naked.” |
Healing the brokenness
Our world is
broken. You don’t have to be a
pessimist or a killjoy to realise that we live in a broken world. You see signs
of this brokenness everywhere.
Walk the streets and sooner or later you will come across discarded rubbish on
the footpath or in the gutter;
you will see unkempt yards with old cars, broken toys and grass that is out of
We see the effect
this brokenness has on our rivers, our land, our wild life, our seas and even
places beyond this planet.
Look at people and
you see the brokenness of the world.
The disheartened who say, “What's the use? I can't get a job no matter how hard
I try...”
A young mother standing at the grave of her husband who took his own life,
saying, “Where do I go from here?”
A cancer patient who says, “I just can't take it anymore.
I can't see any hope for the future...”
The young husband who says, “I thought we had a great life together but she just
up and left me for someone else”.
A young person suffering a nervous breakdown saying, “I want to end it all”.
If you want to sum
up the daily news reports you can do it with just one word – “brokenness”.
That’s all that gets reported.
Everything that’s newsworthy is how broken our world is.
And with just a
little reflection and honesty we can see that this brokenness isn’t something
that affects everyone except us.
Whether we are a Christian or not we are all part of this brokenness ourselves.
We share in this brokenness in some way; we are all wounded by this
brokenness and we are part of the hurt that this brokenness causes others.
As you know this
wasn't the way God had planned things to be.
When God created the world and everything in it, everything was good and
perfect; there wasn't any sign of brokenness and disharmony.
The first people were even completely at one with God, but things changed
and a sad series of events caused God to come looking for Adam and Eve.
They had never hidden from God before.
Something had happened that caused them to be anxious and upset about
coming into the presence of God.
They had sinned;
they had disobeyed God. They had
broken their relationship with God.
And they knew it. They were anxious
about God's response to their disobedience and so they hid.
The bad feelings they had about what they had done wrong made them want
to run away from God and hide. We
can all understand that. When we
have done something that causes us to feel guilty, we either wish we could hide,
we might stop going to church, avoid meeting other people, especially those
people who know about what we've done.
The beautiful
harmony that God had created was suddenly shattered.
They had walked with God, they had talked with him.
He had given them a good song to sing in the opening chorus of the song
of creation and they had joyfully played this role.
They had named the animals, shared in the care of God's world, knew the
Lord as no one since. Hiding, fear
and shame were unknown to them.
But now it was
different. An oppressive darkness
had settled over them. They fled
from God like frightened mice. No
longer did they run out to meet him - instead they ran to hide.
It is at this point
that we see just what kind of God we have –
he is a loving Father in search of his children,
a loving Father who calls out with a great deal of longing and anxiety for those
who are lost and who then goes after them, like a Father who travels the length
and breadth of the country looking for a lost son.
There is an old
movie Shenandoah, set during the American Civil war, that describes a
father looking for his son throughout the war torn country.
The father’s determination leads him to all kinds of dangers, from one
anxious moment to the next, he grieves the loss of another son who is killed
along the way, he puts himself at extreme risk, his other sons want him to give
up and he is almost a wreck himself but he won’t give up until he finds his lost
son. Such is a father’s love.
Likewise, the
Father of all fathers came into the garden looking for Adam and Eve.
He came with nothing but a loving heart; he came to help them in their
predicament. He is prepared to do
anything for his children. He knows
what has happened. He knows that
the action of his children has hurt them and he wants to help.
For the loving
father this is a reflex action.
Just like any parent, when a child is hurting or in danger, love demands that
something be done about it. That
day in the garden, the reflex action of God urged him to call out to his
children in trouble, “Where
are you?”
God still calls out
to you and me, “Where
are you?” He wants to
heal all those who are affected by the brokenness that sin his brought into
their lives and to restore us to a happy and peace-filled life.
But it cost him dearly. It
cost him the life of his only Son, Jesus.
Jesus Christ is God
reaching out to heal the brokenness of our world and our lives and to make us
one again with him. You can see it
again and again in his life. One
minute he is healing a crippled and broken man beside a pool in Bethesda, the
next it's a few quiet words with a woman whose life is broken by her immorality;
one minute he's talking with a broken-hearted father whose son is dying ... and
the next he's comforting a broken spirited thief beside him on the cross.
And that's where he
is broken himself – on a cross – he gave his life to heal all the brokenness
that's there in your life and mine, in the life of anyone who is prepared to
trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and the healing he is able to give.
Broken people need
brand new lives ... they need lives that are brand new harmonious lives, in
Jesus Christ. He reaches out to
you, with his love and forgiveness... and he offers to repair whatever is broken
in your life, and make you new and whole again.
Can you imagine
what this healing that Jesus gives us means for our everyday lives?
Let me look at just one aspect that crops up in our text and that is the
whole problem of anxiety. When Adam
and Eve had sinned they were worried.
They hid because they were anxious
about God's response to what they had done.
They knew they had disobeyed and they were stressed out worrying about
God's reaction.
Stress was a new
experience for them and they didn’t like it. Their own relationship with one
another became stressful as they realised that they were naked, and so they
sewed leaves together to make clothing.
This brought the
stress of how they looked to the other person, especially since they were naked.
Their sudden realisation of shame caused them anxiety.
The addition of clothes to their lives brought new stresses – “Do these
fig leaves make me look fat?”
Adam and Eve were
people just like you and me and it's not hard to imagine what was going on
inside them as they heard the sound of God walking in the garden in the cool of
the day. They were really stressed
as they heard God's approaching footsteps.
This stress is a whole new thing for them to deal with and already they
don’t like it.
We, like Adam and
Eve in the Garden, get anxious and stressed because we live in a broken world,
in fact, we live in a world that exploits our anxiety.
Just watch the ads on TV and see how they use our anxiety to sell their
Our text tells us
of a God who comes calling, “Where
are you?” And it doesn't
matter whether we are stressed out about our sin, our relationships with other
people, or how we see ourselves, God is calling you, and like a loving Father is
ready to heal the brokenness that is at the back of our anxiety and to assure
you that everything is all right because of Jesus Christ and his death on the
It’s good that we have this reading from
Genesis at the beginning of Lent because it reminds us straight away that sin is
an ever-present problem in our lives that it shames us in the same way it shamed
Adam and Eve.
It makes us to want to hide and lurk in the shadows because we
feel as if we have let God down badly.
We aren’t proud of what we have done, we have let ourselves and we have
let Jesus down – the one who has given so much for us and we have given only him
disappointment in return.
Every day and every time we come here to
worship God calls to us, “Where are you?”
It’s his invitation to come to him and in repentance give to him all that
is stressing us and let him renew us.
He wants us as his own; he wants us to remain as his people; and he wants
to be our God.
It is at the foot of the cross where we
meet the gracious God who forgives. There at the cross our lives previously
hidden in sin become hidden in Christ, lives full and free, free from sin and
death, free to live in Christ.
Paul says, “Through Christ (God) changed
us from enemies into his friends ... Our message is that God was making all
human beings his friends through Christ. ... We plead on Christ's behalf: let
God change you from enemies in his friends! (2 Cor 5:18,19a, 20b). Notice
the emphasis that Paul gives to the results of Jesus’ death – we are changed
from God's enemies into friends. We
are given a new start.
As we come here to worship and to Communion
today we hear the words, “given for you
for the forgiveness of your sins” and we take in our hands the body of
Christ and drink from cup in Holy Communion, we stand in awe of what our God has
done for us to break down the walls of sin and hostility and enabled God and us
to be friends again. Nothing can
compare to the drama that took place that Friday on Calvary Hill when God's Son
was forsaken by the whole world and the heavenly Father as the full force of the
weight of humanity’s sin fell on the one dying on the cross.
In his Son, Jesus, he offers each of
healing for the brokenness in our lives.
We praise God for his grace.
© Pastor Vince Gerhardy
9th March 2014