Sermon for the First Sunday of Advent
Text: Mark
13:33-36 Be on watch, be alert, for you do not know when the time will come. It will be like a man who goes away from home on a trip and leaves his servants in charge, after giving to each one his own work to do and after telling the doorkeeper to keep watch. Watch, then, because you do not know when the master of the house is coming—it might be in the evening or at midnight or before dawn or at sunrise. If he comes suddenly, he must not find you asleep. |
Left in charge
It is some time in the
future. World War 3 had begun
with a nuclear attack
by Albania on Italy, and then escalated with Egypt bombing the United States and
the United Kingdom. Russia and China
become involved.
The war ended
with both sides being wiped out but now there was a huge nuclear cloud that was
slowly moving southwards and would eventually engulf the whole world.
Nevil Shute wrote a novel called
On the beach* where he describes what
happened in Melbourne as people waited for the end.
They knew that everyone in the north had been wiped out by the nuclear
cloud. They knew that this
radioactive cloud was slowly travelling toward them.
The end wasn’t far away and they would all perish.
There wasn’t anything they could do to stop it.
It was just a matter of time.
What would they do as the end approached?
Would they panic? Would they
greet the end with a big party?
Would they simply give up, take their own lives, because there was no future?
What is more, death by radioactive poisoning was horrible and tortuous.
What would you do in such a circumstance?
In the story, some denied there was
anything wrong.
Most people carried on as if everything was normal.
Babies were conceived – some never to be born and others would not see their
first birthday;
vegetable gardens were planted though they would never be harvested;
children went to school even though they would never graduate;
and a grand prix race was held even though fuel supplies were low.
But in the end there was no escaping the cloud of death.
And that’s how Nevil Shute’s novel finishes.
How shall we wait for the time when “the
sun will grow dark, the moon will no longer shine, the stars will fall from
heaven, and the powers in space will be driven from their courses” (Mark
These words describe some kind of terrible things that will happen when
the world will end - but we need to read on.
These catastrophes are the beginning of something truly wonderful – Jesus
will return. We read, “Then
the Son of Man will appear, coming in the clouds with great power and glory.
He will send the angels out to the four corners of the earth to gather God's
chosen people from one end of the world to the other”
(Mark 13:26-27).
But until that happens and we don’t know
when that will happen, we need to wait.
Like the people in Shute’s novel we are faced with the question,
‘How shall we wait?
What are we to do while we are waiting?
Do we act as if nothing is going to happen and that Jesus’ return isn’t real?
Do we ignore the idea of the end of world even though we know that everything in
this world does have an end eventually and so we continue to ‘eat, drink and be
Do we give up?
Do we see any purpose in our lives?’
In today’s gospel reading Jesus tells a
parable about a man who leaves his property in charge of his servants.
He gives them specific responsibilities and orders them not to go to
sleep on the job because he will return and when he does, he expects them to
have been faithful in their duties and everything ship shape.
What should the servants do?
Should they carry out their duties diligently as the boss had requested?
Do they believe that he will ever really check up on them?
Should they wait until the boss was about to return, slackening off while he is
away and then quickly get things in order before he arrives?
Of course, there is a bit of a risk with this last idea because they
could get caught out unprepared.
This parable has something to say about
faithfulness and commitment to the tasks Jesus has given each of us.
This parable invites us to examine how we are using what God has given us
in the time between the two Advents. Let’s look at it this way.
Can you recall one of your teachers at school ever saying something like this?
“Class, I'm going to step out of the room for a few minutes.
Now I hope that I can trust each of you to continue doing your work while
I’m away.” (This scenario may not happen today but I can certainly recall it in
my school days when teacher aides were unknown).
What happened on those occasions?
One or two kids would stand on watch near the door, listening for the teacher’s
return. Some kids worked diligently
- or tried to - while other kids made spit-balls, paper air-planes, and other
missiles; others wandered around between the desks - talking to one, poking
another, having a good time.
Right now, the teacher is away - we are living between times, in the times
between Christ's first coming - as a babe in the manger and his second coming -
as Lord and Judge.
Right now, our master is away but he has given us a job and he will come back.
Right now, like the people in the novel, we are waiting for the end.
When the classroom teacher returns she will be either disappointed or pleased
with what the class did while she was away.
When Jesus returns he will reward those who have been faithful while he has been
away and condemn those who have ignored his instructions and been unfaithful in
carrying out their duties.
Will we faithfully do the work we have been left to do or will we play up hoping
that we won’t get caught out if he comes back unexpectedly.
A large portion of the New Testament is concerned about what we ought to do
while Christ is absent (in a physical sense) from this world.
We heard last Sunday that in this time before Jesus comes again we are to
feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, clothe the
naked, visit the sick and those in prison (Matt 25:31-46).
We are challenged to continue the ministry of Jesus among those who need
Jesus tells a story about bridesmaids who were ready and those who were not
ready for the groom’s arrival. He
talks about signs to watch out for that will indicate that the time is near for
his return.
The New Testament also tells us what kind of lives we are to live as we wait.
Peter’s second letter says, “What kind of people should you be?
Your lives should be holy and dedicated to God.
… As you wait for that Day do your best to be pure and faultless in God's
sight and to be at peace with him” (3:11,12).
Paul goes to great lengths to remind
his readers that Christ is coming soon and they are to walk as children of the
light, alert, self-controlled, “wearing
faith and love as a breastplate, and our hope of salvation as a helmet” (1 Thess
You and I are living between the two advents of Jesus.
We have been put in charge “each one with his/her own work to do”
to use the words of Jesus in the parable.
The work of the
There is little point in worrying and fretting over when the master will return.
Like parents who trust their teenagers to look after the house while they
are away, like the teacher who leaves the classroom giving the students plenty
of work to do, Jesus trusts us to carry out his work until he returns.
There is the work of fulfilling our vocation and position in life as parent,
grandparent, teacher, engineer, student, tradesmen or in whatever way God has
given you abilities.
There is the work of witnessing to God in our daily lives where we work, in the
neighbourhood we live.
There is work of caring, nurturing, encouraging and building up to be done in
our families, or at school, in the church or in the community we live.
There is work to do supporting those who are hurting and have needs as well as
those who are the helpers and carers.
There is work to do guiding and leading others, pointing people to the
comforting message of the Gospel in the various circumstances of people's lives.
There is the work of living “lives holy and dedicated to God, doing our best
to be pure and faultless in God's sight and to be at peace with him”.
Having said all this I am beginning to feel like those kids in school who have
been caught out by the teacher. I
know what I should be doing but during the teacher's absence I decided to join
the rest of the class and forget about the work assigned to me, have a bludge
and join the riot. I know what
Jesus has told me to do and I know all about discipleship, but I know how hard
it is to stick to the job the master has given.
It's easy to slacken off and present some very convincing reasons why
it’s better to take the easier road.
This is the struggle of every Christian.
In Jesus’ absence we have been easily side-tracked, put aside the
important work that the master wants us to do.
We admit this as the church and as individual members of God's family.
We have been given the responsibility of seeing to it that the gospel reaches
the ears of people everywhere, but we have to admit this has not been one of our
most cherished tasks.
The master has charged us with caring for the sick, the hungry, the homeless,
the poor, and yet we have seen so many other things as more important.
This is also our personal confession.
We have let the master down again and again.
Advent is a season of repentance.
It’s a time of turning away from the cosy discipleship we have created and turn
to Jesus for forgiveness and re-creation and renewal as his disciples.
Jesus came at his first advent for sinners like us.
He was born, died and rose for us.
He has pardoned our unfaithfulness in this time between his two
advents. He now challenges us again
to be his faithful servants.
In my opening story, I told you about people who had no hope and were waiting to
be destroyed by a nuclear cloud.
Whatever happens at the end of time, we know that when the end does come it will
bring with it Jesus. Jesus is an
old friend. We became best friends
at our baptism and he has rescued us from our sin and its consequences.
He has claimed us as his own and promised us his eternal love.
When Jesus comes in glory, many will shake with fear, but we will clap
our hands and cheer our victorious King.
* First published 1957
by Heinemann. A movie version was been made in 1959 and TV mini-series in 2000.
© Pastor Vince
27th November