Sermon for Ash Wednesday
Text: Psalm 51:1-5 |
The text for tonight’s message is based on
Psalm 51. Under the heading of this
psalm there is sub-heading.
“For the director of music.
A psalm of David. When the
prophet Nathan came to him after David had committed adultery with Bathsheba”.
Ouch! That seems a bit blunt
putting that kind of a heading on a song that was used in the temple for
worship. It says that David wrote
the psalm and now every worshipper was reminded of his sin whenever they opened
their hymnal scrolls to Psalm 51.
Can you imagine the worship leader saying to his congregation,
“Let’s now sing the hymn that was
inspired by the king’s confession to murder and adultery”?
In certain periods of history saying something like that would certainly
have meant “off with his head”.
David had become the greatest king that the
land of Judah and Israel had ever seen.
He had defeated the enemies both within and outside the land and brought
wealth and prosperity.
One day David caught sight of the beautiful
Bathsheba from his palace roof, began an affair that led to a pregnancy, and to
the death of Bathsheba's husband. The prophet, Nathan confronted David
with his transgressions, telling a parable of two men, one rich and one poor.
The rich man, who had many lambs, took the poor man’s one lamb and slaughtered
it to put on a feast for his friends.
David was furious, and then Nathan said to him, “You
are the man!” This revelation
led to David’s act of repentance that is expressed in Psalm 51.
The psalm opens like this -
Be merciful to me, O God, because of your constant love.
Because of your great mercy wipe away my sins!
2 Wash away all my evil
and make me clean from my sin!
3 I recognize my faults;
I am always conscious of my sins.
4 I have sinned against
you—only against you— and done what you consider evil.
So you are right in judging me; you are justified in condemning me.
5 I have been evil from
the day I was born;
from the time I was conceived, I have been sinful.
These words are not some casual throw away
lines that David rattled off to ease his conscience – perhaps a prayer that he
has prayed many times as a kind of ritual that has lost its significance.
Rather this prayer expresses deep anguish and repentance. He looks into
his own heart and at his life and the way he has acted and he only sees evil.
I use the word ‘evil’ deliberately because
it gets across the idea of perverse wickedness and sinfulness that is so opposed
to what God wants and expects of his creation.
We are not talking about mistakes or errors or slipups or blunders that
can easily be dismissed with an excuse or explanation or something like,
“I can’t help it” or
“Oops!” as if that makes everything
go away.
David is talking about ‘transgressions’
here. He has gone to places where
he should not have gone. He has
stepped over the line coveting another man’s wife, being overcome with lust,
plotting and carrying out a man’s murder to get her – this is evil at its worst
and David knows it as he says to God, “I
have sinned against you—only against you— and done what you consider evil. So
you are right in judging me; you are justified in condemning me”.
offers no excuse. Not even his
words, “I have been evil from the day I
was born; from the time I was conceived, I have been sinful” are an excuse
as if to say, “Look, God, I can’t help it
because I was born this way”. He is simply saying that he is a sinner
through and through even from moment when he was first given life and not even
conscious of the world around him yet.
There is no part of him that is not a sinner and there has never been a
time when he has not been a sinner.
It’s true that many of us would say that we
haven’t done anything as wicked and horrible as David did but the prayer that
David speaks here in Psalm 51 doesn’t pick out the ‘big sins’ to bring to God in
repentance. He is talking about all
sin, all transgressions. Whether big or small in our eyes they are all sin in
God eyes; they are acts of stepping over the line – transgressions – or
trespassing into places we ought not go.
That’s why he even includes the sin he wasn’t even aware of when he was a
new born child, even the sin that was part of him while still in his mother’s
Sin isn’t a matter of individual acts; it
is a condition; it is broken relationship between God and us.
We may not even be conscious of the sin in our lives and yet it is still
part of us. It is part of our
being. We are all tainted with sin.
It is something that has been handed down to us from generation to
generation from Adam and Eve.
This inbuilt desire to sin becomes clear
when we say and do things that are so wrong, so far away from the way God wants
us to speak and act.
The apostle Paul doesn’t beat about the
bush and calls a spade a spade when it comes to sin.
In Galatians (5:19-21 CEV) he writes,
“People's desires make them give in to
immoral ways, filthy thoughts, and shameful deeds”. He then goes on to
describe how sin causes people to hate one another, to be hard to get along
with, to be jealous, angry, selfish, argumentative, say harmful things, lie, and
so on. He concludes,
“No one who does these things will share
in the blessings of God's Kingdom”.
Paul makes it quite clear that a sinner cannot stand in the presence of
God and cannot expect to inherit eternal life.
In Psalm 51 David poured out his heart to
God. He knew that sin had taken control of his life.
In this prayer he admits that his sins
are always there and that he can’t fix them. He
can’t hide them. He thought he
could because no one noticed what he had done.
But even though no one else knew what had happened, God knew.
God could see into his heart and knew that David, the one who was
supposed to be a model to the whole nation of what it meant to be one of God's
people, had committed some terrible things.
We might be led to think the same thing.
Because no-one else sees our sin it’s okay.
It’s hidden away and it doesn’t matter.
But nothing is hidden from God and it does matter to him because sin
destroys the happy relationship that God intended for us to have with him and
the world he created for us and the people he placed in our lives.
He wants us to be happy and for us to be happy he has to deal with the
evil in our lives.
With such terrible guilt weighing him down
and knowing how much he had let God down and being aware how angry God must be,
how come David has the nerve to approach God in the way that he has?
Why is David so bold in his prayer after making so many disastrous
choices? We see the answer in the
opening line of his prayer where he says,
merciful to me, O God, because of your constant love.
Because of your great mercy wipe away my sins!”
Caught up in sins of jealousy, lust, adultery and murder he had forgotten God
but now he had come to his senses and realised anew what a powerful love God has
for him and it is only in that love that he can even dare to come before God and
own up to his sin. Because of this
love of God he can pray with confidence and without fear,
a pure heart in me, O God, and put a new and loyal spirit in me”.
David’s prayer expresses very well our need
to be made clean, to be washed and be made whiter than snow.
David knew that even though God is a holy and righteous God and is
opposed to sin of every kind, he also knew that God is merciful and his constant
love for even the worse sinner never flickers, dims or is extinguished.
David’s confession of the evil in his life is actually a response to the
grace of God. When we confess our
sin before God we do so confidently because we know how much God is committed to
us and is faithful to us.
When we see the bleeding, dying Jesus we
see what the grace of God has done for us and to what extent God was prepared to
go to make things right again between us and himself.
Through his dying in our place the guilt of our sin was removed; we have
been made new and clean and fresh again – holy and spotless in the eyes of God.
David uses the words “wash me, and
I will be whiter than snow” to illustrate the total removal of the stain of
sin and the renewal of our lives with God.
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent,
the season of preparation leading up to Holy Week, Good Friday and Easter. As we
begin this journey we do so knowing that even though we are sinners “God is
gracious”. Without this knowledge
we despair. With this knowledge, we
have the confidence to continue the journey, knowing that God's steadfast love
is ever present with us.
© Pastor Vince
22nd February