Sermon for Easter Day
Text: Mark 16:8 So they (the women) went out and ran from the tomb, distressed and terrified. They said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid |
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What happened next?
Have you ever read a book or been to a
movie and you've reached the point when you are ready for an ending that will
bring all the loose ends together so that you can close the book or leave the
theatre with a satisfied and happy feeling?
But it doesn’t happen.
The story brings you to a certain point and
then the screen goes black and the credits start rolling.
For a while a feeling of frustration overwhelms us as we stare at the
screen in disbelief at what just happened.
We say “What! Tell us what
happens next! Don’t stop now!
We want to know.”
We want to know if there is a happy ending.
We want to know what happens next.
Does the main character survive; is there a reconciliation; is there a tragic or
happy ending?
We want at least some writing on the screen that tells us what happened to the
people in the story in the end. But
there is nothing. That can be so
Is it possible that the writer didn’t know
how to finish the story? We know
that writers often write several endings to their stories but in end the
publisher or movie-maker didn’t like any of them so finished off with what seems
an incomplete story.
After we have been involved in a story like
that, what happens next is interesting and it was probably was the intention of the
writer of the story to leave us hanging. We start to
think about how the story might have continued.
We discuss possible endings with others.
Did this happen? Did he do
that or did she survive? If it’s a true story, we will “Google” it and find out
what happened.
Did it strike you as strange that the
resurrection account from Mark’s Gospel today ended with these words,
they (the women) went out and ran from the tomb, distressed and terrified. They
said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid”.
That’s a most unsatisfying end to such a marvellous story.
Why does Mark stop so abruptly?
There could be a number of reasons.
Maybe it’s something simple like the last page of his Gospel account was lost
or that Mark was a victim of persecution and didn’t finish writing.
Or it could be that Mark wanted to leave the story open ended.
The women are told by an angel that
Jesus has been raised to life. He
is not in the tomb where they had seen the disciples place him.
He had been crucified; he was dead and buried in the tomb and now they
are invited to have a look at where they last saw Jesus. The angel tells them
that to tell the disciples that they will see Jesus in person in Galilee.
None of this should come as a surprise
because this is just as Jesus had told them.
And then the Gospel writer gives us this surprising end – the women rush
out of the tomb distressed and terrified.
It could be that Mark doesn’t want a
nice well rounded conclusion to his story but instead wants his readers to talk
about what happened next, to discover through others who had seen and heard the
excitement of the disciples that first Easter.
We know that amongst Mark’s readers
were people who were there in Jerusalem or had contact with eye-witnesses to the
events of Easter. For example, he
mentions Rufus and Alexander, the sons of Simon of Cyrene who had carried Jesus’
cross to Golgotha. And I would
suppose there were others who could testify to the excitement of the first
There is nothing like a personal
testimony to convince others that Jesus was truly alive and that right now he is
the living Lord who rules with power and authority.
He is Lord of the Church which was still in a fledgling state and under
persecution, but his Church will stand for all time.
He is King of kings and mightier than a
Roman emperor who can take their life but can’t take away the eternal life won
for them by the One who is the Resurrection and Life.
So maybe it's Mark’s deliberate
intention to give his readers the opportunity to discover for themselves through
listening to other first-hand witnesses about their fear and lack of faith after
Jesus’ death and then their boldness and strength of faith after seeing the
risen Lord,
witnessing their excitement as they talked about the first time they heard the
news “He’s alive”,
listening to the descriptions of Jesus’ many appearances to the disciples and
his command to go into the world to baptise and teach.
Each of these eye-witness accounts
would have had a powerful impact on a church that was being persecuted.
Like the disciples, those early Christians knew fear and doubt, and yet
what confidence and boldness they received when they heard the news about their
risen Saviour who promised, “I will be
with you always throughout the ages”.
Mark didn’t have to write it all down
in his Gospel account, but he sure gave his readers the opportunity to discover
the meaning and excitement of Easter as they “Googled” in their own first
century way what the resurrection of Jesus meant.
They were drawn into the story and they discovered that it does have a
happy ending. They discovered what
we already know from the other Gospel writers that Jesus is triumphant over the
grave and that he really is alive.
As we celebrate Easter again this year,
we are separated by time and space from the actual empty grave and physical
presence of the risen Jesus.
Hearing the story again is not just simply retelling a story from history but it
actually draws us in because this is our story. The story of Jesus rising from
the dead is something that involves each one of us.
It’s a story about
life and death,
fear and courage,
despair and hope,
sadness and joy,
doubt and faith,
and each one of these are a part of our lives and affect us as much as they
affected the disciples 2,000 years.
It doesn’t matter who we are, at
some time we are confronted with the horrible side of life in this world.
We wish that everything would be fine and dandy and that trouble would
never come our way but as much as we try to avoid it, inevitably sadness, bad
news, discouragement, sickness, broken dreams and bad choices catch up with us.
In fact, if we are truthful, some
of these make up every day. There
are days when we despair about the future.
There is a mountain of distressing and terrifying events in front of us
and can’t see any way around them.
We worry about future generations when we see so much that is terribly wrong in
our world.
We wonder how we will be able to cope with so much darkness.
How is it possible to deal with so much sadness, and sorrow, and suffering, and
And then there is death. Now
there’s something that’s scary!
Some people don’t think about it but others stress about the end of their
journey here on this earth and it’s all too much to contemplate.
Someone once said that we are
like smooth stones – the kind you pick up and skip across a lake or dam.
The stone would bounce once, twice, maybe three times or more across the
surface of the water, but then it drops silently beneath the surface, gone
forever. Is that how you describe
life – a momentary skipping across the surface only to drop below the surface at
the end and never be thought of again?
Unfortunately that’s how some people see life but to me that’s not what
God has planned for us. That kind
of dead end thinking is terribly depressing, distressing and terrifying.
If we, who are distressed and
terrified, follow those distressed and terrified women who ran from the tomb, we
will discover with them that Jesus is alive today and that his presence changes
everything. It is no longer a
matter of us standing alone against all that terrifies us but it is the living
Jesus who is right beside us who stands with us and in us.
Just as Mary Magdalene was sad,
confused and overwhelmed by all that had happened and wept at the open tomb,
immediately she heard Jesus speak her name, everything changed.
That’s all she needed. He
simply said her name, “Mary”, and his love and presence overcame all her despair
and confusion.
The apostle Paul would say it
again and again, “In times of trouble,
God is with us, and when we are knocked down, we get up again” (2 Cor 4:9)
or he would say something like, “I am being battered by all kinds of strife and
trouble but I’m OK, because the power of Christ enables me to endure all these
things” (Phil 4:12-13).
Christ, the living,
all-powerful, overcoming, overwhelming Christ, enables us to endure anything
that comes our way. That doesn’t
mean that these bad things won’t happen or they will magically disappear, but it
does mean that Christ gives us the ability, the faith and hope, to see these
things through and one day to see them through to the point when we enter our
eternal home in heaven. Then there
will be no more trouble and pain.
In short, we are living in the
presence of the risen Christ who has declared his eternal love for us and his
eternal presence in our lives. “I
am for you”, he says. “I am always
with you. I am your resurrection
and life. Live and believe in me
and you will live a life today that is confident, bold and courageous and you
will have the joy of eternal life”.
© Pastor Vince Gerhardy
5th April 2015