Sermon for the Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
Text: Mark 1:30-31 Simon's mother-in-law was sick in bed with a fever. He went to her, took her by the hand, and helped her up. The fever left her, and she began to wait on them. |
Jesus goes to Simon’s house where he finds that Simon’s mother-in-law is
seriously ill with a fever. A fever
in those times could be fatal. The
gospel writer doesn’t record Jesus saying anything.
We are simply told, “He took her
by the hand and the fever left her”.
She got up and made lunch for everyone.
“He took her by the hand”. No
words, just his presence and a touch.
There was the man who was born blind.
Jesus makes some mud with spit and with his fingers smears it on the
man’s eye and he could see.
There was the deaf man who couldn’t speak.
Jesus touched his tongue and put his fingers in his ears and commanded,
“Be open!”
He touched a man terribly disfigured with leprosy; a man no-one else would touch
and said, “Be clean”.
He took the hand of the daughter of Jairus who had just died and said,
“Little girl, I say to, arise”.
When children were brought to Jesus we are told he placed his hands on them
and blessed them.
When Peter sliced off the ear of one of the men who came to arrest him we are
told that Jesus “touched his ear and
healed him” (Luke 22:51).
When Jesus was talking to his disciples after his resurrection he began
ascending into heaven and he raised his nail pierced hands and blessed them.
It was as if he was laying his hands on each of his dear friends as he
So what are we to make of all this touching and taking the hands of others by
Jesus. He didn’t do it every time
he healed someone but it seems that whenever he could he did.
He didn’t have to touch anyone – his voice was sufficient.
When Jesus commanded demons to come out of the man, Jesus’ voice rang out
with authority and power, “Be quiet, and come out of the man!”
The demon shrieked and threw the man
around and finally left him. His
spoken Word was enough. It was the same
Word that had created day, night, the land and sea, and all the creatures at the
beginning of time.
But as we think about the voice of God at the beginning of time we notice
something else. Did God use his voice to command the first people in existence?
Something a lot more personal and special happened.
God used his hands. He
“took some soil from the ground and
formed a man out of it and he breathed life into his nostrils and the man began
to live” (Gen 2:7). (The
language here is the same as that of a potter moulding a pot with his hands).
And when he created the first women there is no standing back and giving
a command. He uses his hands and
takes a rib from Adam and forms the woman.
We know that God doesn’t really have hands but the Genesis writer wants
to convey the special relationship between God and the people he puts on the
earth. There is a connection, a
closeness, something personal, a special creative work different from everything
At the beginning of time God reached out and moulded and touched the first
Jesus reached and touched those people whom God loved so dearly and yet were so
broken and hurting because of what evil had done in the world.
Jesus reaches out and touches us with his healing power.
He touches us with water at our Baptism and as his children we know we are
special to him.
He touches our ears with his promises that give us hope and reassurance.
When we are depressed, upset, discouraged or grieving he touches us and blesses
us with his presence. He will not
abandon us in our troubles and promises that he will always be our refuge and
strength in times of trouble.
He touches us with the sign of cross when our consciences trouble us.
He touches us with the body and blood of Jesus that we eat and drink in Holy
Communion and we are assured that Christ is right here with us in the middle of
the muck and mire of our lives.
His touch encourages us and strengthens us to deal with anything.
The Old Testament reading from Isaiah 40 is a song about the greatness of God.
It concludes with these wonderful words of reassurance and comfort
telling us that even though he is the all-powerful God who “stretched out the
sky like a curtain”, created the stars, and reduced powerful rulers to
nothing, he is a God who touches the lives of people with his love and
Isaiah says,
Don't you know? Haven't you
The Lord is the everlasting God; he created all the world.
He never grows tired or weary. No
one understands his thoughts.
He strengthens those who are weak and tired.
Even those who are young grow weak; young people can fall exhausted.
But those who trust in the Lord for help will find their strength renewed.
They will rise on wings like eagles; they will run and not get weary; they will
walk and not grow weak (40:27-31).
There are times in our lives when our own strength is exhausted.
There are those times when we are either emotionally, physically or
spiritually drained, or perhaps all 3 at once.
Isaiah uses words like “weary”, “tired”, “weak”, and “exhausted”.
There comes a limit to what we can endure.
Jesus talks about those who are “weak and carrying heavy-burdens”.
We can feel weary for all kinds of reasons.
We feel weary because there is tension and uneasiness in our work place.
We are weary from some kind of illness that seems to go on and on.
We are tired and exhausted because there is some ongoing thing that is making us
We are heavy burdened because we have fallen into temptation and we are crushed
by the guilt of having given in once again.
Isaiah is speaking to tired people.
He tells us about a God who reaches out and touches us in our tiredness and
weariness. We read,
He strengthens those who are weak and tired….
Those who trust in the Lord for help will find their strength renewed.
They will rise on wings like eagles;
they will run and not get weary;
they will walk and not grow weak
God reaches out and touches our lives and gives us a strength that is beyond
what we can muster up. There is
strength in knowing that we don't have to go it alone, that we are never
forgotten or ignored! We have a
very special friend - Jesus - who watches over us at all times, care for us at
all times, and who is open to having us come and speak to him in prayer at all
He loves us!
He forgives us!
He will stand by us!
He gives us something to hang on to and somewhere to turn even in the darkest
As Isaiah said, “Those who trust in the Lord for help will find their
strength renewed.” Or as the
apostle Paul said, “I have the strength to face all conditions by the power
that Christ gives me” (Phil 4:13).
There is a short movie clip that goes like this. (You can view it at this link
Mum and dad are seated in an auditorium waiting for a concert to begin when they
realise that their son Tommy is missing, each presuming that Tommy was with the
other. Suddenly the stage curtain
rolls back revealing a little boy sitting at the grand piano playing
“Twinkle twinkle little star”.
It’s Tommy.
A man appears on stage, obviously the guest pianist for the evening, and he
walks up behind Tommy. Tommy is
unaware of the man behind him and with a good deal on concentration on his face
keeps playing Twinkle twinkle.
Mum and dad shrink down even further with embarrassment.
The audience is restless.
The man bends over the boy, puts his arms around the boy and says,
“Don’t stop!
Keep going!” Together they play one of Mozart’s variations of
“Twinkle twinkle little star” to the
total delight of the audience, especially Tommy’s parents.
At the end of the piece the crowd applauds and the pianist puts his hand
on Tommy’s shoulder and says, “Great job!”
(If you watch the clip, continue here).
A lot of what happens in our lives is a lot like playing
“Twinkle Twinkle little star” in a
concert hall. We’re alone on a
great big stage. Anything can go
wrong at any time. The Lord comes
along and leans over and whispers in our ear, “Don’t quit.
Keep going. I’ll help you”.
And in that moment, Jesus’ presence, his love, his touch change
everything. Look at the delight on the boy’s face when he realises that together
he and the master musician can make beautiful music. Just knowing that he’s
there means that everything is going to be all right.
I wonder what that moment with the master musician’s arms around his
shoulders and his fingers dancing on the keyboard with his and then the words of
encouragement had on that boy’s life in the future.
It is true that Christ is no longer visibly present with us as in the days of
the disciples, but that doesn’t mean that his touching presence is no longer
here in our world. Christ reaches
out and touches people in an even greater way than when he was here with his
twelve disciples. I say that
because Christ lives in us and is present with us as we reach out and touch
those around us.
His touch comes through your visit to the person in a hospital bed, through your
words of encouragement and prayers.
His touch reaches out to the person loaded with all kinds of problems, and he
uses your help and support to ease their anxiety and depression.
Christ touches those who are burdened with a heavy conscience as you tell them
of the wonderful freeing word of the forgiveness in Christ.
His touch comes through your care for a child who needs gentle encouragement.
His touch reaches out to a colleague, a family member who needs to feel that
someone cares at that moment.
If any of you have been troubled by anxiety, difficult decisions, over-powering
problems and have experienced the kindness and compassion of a friend, you will
know what it means to have someone reach out to you and to feel that person's
concern for you and help you through your difficulties.
If that has been your experience then you have experienced the
encouraging, healing touch of Jesus.
We are his hands and he reaches out to others through us and makes them whole.
God grant us the compassion and the desire to reach out and touch those
in need with the love of Christ.
© Pastor Vince
5th February