Sermon for the Second Sunday in Lent
Mark 8:34-36 Jesus called the crowd and his disciples to him. “If any of you want to come with me," he told them, "you must forget yourself, carry your cross, and follow me." |
Cross bearers
I’m sure Jesus left a lot of people
confused and dumbfounded that day when he spoke about his own suffering and
dying and then went on to say that if anyone wants to truly follow him they must
forget their own ideas and plans, carry a cross and lose their own life in order
to save it.
The idea of carrying cross must have
seemed crazy. A cross was only for
criminals. It was a death sentence.
It was cruel and brutal.
What is Jesus really talking about when he says that to be a disciple a person
must carry a cross and lose his life?
And what about the people in Rome who
read Mark’s Gospel about 25 years later?
How did they respond to his account of Jesus’ life, especially this
radical demand about carrying a cross and losing one’s life? Mark’s readers had
the obvious advantage of hindsight and knew about Jesus’ death on a cross.
What is more, they had eyewitnesses who could tell them exactly what
happened that Friday in Jerusalem.
Mark’s readers knew Alexander and Rufus.
If you don’t
know who Alexander and Rufus are, I don’t blame you.
Maybe this will help. Mark
tells the Good Friday story like this,
“Then they led Jesus out to
crucify him. On the way they met a man named Simon, who was coming into the city
from the country, and the soldiers forced him to carry Jesus' cross. (Simon was
from Cyrene and was the father of Alexander and Rufus)” (Mark 15:20, 21).
Jesus is in agony, staggering along
the road, his body raw and bleeding from the beating, the roughness of the cross
rubbing and digging into his wounds; he fell on the hard road under its weight.
Mark’s brief mention of Alexander and Rufus in the middle of all this
seems a bit irrelevant. Normally
Mark isn’t interested in giving trivial details, but he does make this
We don’t know for sure but Alexander
and Rufus might have been there that day with their father and mother on their
way to the temple in Jerusalem.
Perhaps they witnessed their father, Simon, carry the cross for Jesus, or if
they weren’t there, they would have heard many times over, their father’s
account of the day he met Jesus all bloodied and bruised and was forced to carry
his cross.
Mark is telling his readers,
“Jesus was too weak so Simon from Cyrene
was ordered to carry the cross for him.
You know Simon’s boys – Rufus and Alexander – they’re members of your
church in Rome. And if you want to see two people whose lives have been changed
by the events of that day, have a chat with those two blokes.”
Alexander and Rufus would have told
how cruel and barbaric the cross was.
It was an instrument of torture and death.
There was no escape. They
would have heard their father Simon talk about Jesus’ death and they would have
witnessed the cruel nature of the cross a thousand times over as they observed
the enemies of Rome crucified along the roads to the city.
Following Jesus is not easy but it’s life
changing. Jesus says,
“If any of you want to come with me, you
must forget yourself, carry your cross, and follow me.”
(Mark 8:34).
Sometimes we talk about the unpleasant things in life as being “the cross” that
we have to bear.
That cross might be poor health,
caring for someone on a long term basis,
an unfulfilling job,
a disability, and so on.
These “crosses” are unpleasant. We
have no choice whether we carry this cross or not.
In many ways these types of crosses leave us battered and bruised;
test our commitment;
leave us wondering just Jesus did, “Lord
if there were some other way ….” and sometimes we just want to ask,
These crosses might test our trust in God;
our confidence in God’s love to the extent that we question whether he really
does care what is happening in our lives.
Yes, these are crosses that are difficult and painful.
But we need to go further. When
Simon got up that morning he didn’t plan to get involved in any of this.
He was happy to be a bystander; to stand back and simply watch what was
going on.
What if bearing a cross means being
dragged out of the plans we have for
the day (as Simon was) – even plans we have for the whole of our lives – and we
are suddenly drawn completely into the moment when God, in his grace, calls us
to walk with Jesus and to follow the harder path that calls for endurance and
commitment as we face up to being his disciples in our world today?
What if bearing a cross means we are
drawn away from our own plans at the most
inconvenient time (like Simon who was on a family trip to Jerusalem) to help
others with their crosses and bring God's grace into the lives of the people we
connect with in our corner of the world?
What if bearing a cross means we are
pulled out of the shadows and given an
uncomfortable load (as crosses tend to be) that we prefer not to carry –
made to stand out and be different because our values are different to those of
the world or we are given a task that we think others can do better?
What if bearing a cross means doing
something that I don’t particularly want
to do or it frightens me (as Simon experienced) – ministry and service to
others will confront us and challenge us and stretch us beyond what we call
It’s this cross of grace and unselfish love that we find the hardest to carry.
Make no mistake about it, Jesus is saying to his followers, “Becoming a disciple
is a radical step; being a disciple involves the cross of dedication.
Carrying a cross and being a disciple is tough work”.
The cross Jesus carried was no walk in the park, and he is saying that
carrying the cross of discipleship is no different for us today.
We live in a world today that has a different understanding of what commitment
means. It can be expressed this
way, “Commitment is okay so long as it doesn’t upset me, ask too much of me, and
expect me to give up too much for the sake of others”.
If that’s the kind of commitment Jesus had, then he would not have carried the
cross to Calvary. The cross places
us in a head-on collision with the “me-first” attitude of the world and our own
sinful selfish human nature.
Sacrifice and discipleship, commitment and the gospel go together, even today.
Discipleship will, and I emphasise the word
“will”, discipleship will collide
with the values and attitudes of the world.
The cross will cause us pain.
Who knows what carrying the cross and
following Jesus will mean for us in the future?
Where will this journey take you and me in the next five, ten or twenty years?
Where will it take the church, this congregation?
When we, the church, take up our cross of commitment to the mission and ministry
that God has given us, it’s a painful experience.
Crosses were never made to be comfortable in the past and neither will
they be comfortable in the future.
Let's look at what this might mean for us.
mean re-evaluating and maybe stepping outside customs and traditions and
structures that have lost their meaning and have become roadblocks to people
even considering the importance of the Gospel for their salvation.
In order to connect with people, things might need to change and with
change there comes pain.
Sometimes the church has to look again at why it exists in a particular area and
check out how effective it is.
Cutting back on what isn’t working can be a painful thing and introducing new
things – all this is part of the cross that a congregation must bear.
Finding out how great the spiritual needs of the people that pass this church
every day might overwhelm us and frighten us because so much of what we have
assumed, might have to go out the window if we want to touch the lives of these
people. The cross is never easy to bear.
A congregation might have plans for the future but in reality are they God’s plans? It’s a painful process to admit that we have been going down our own track to satisfy our own needs and not considered the mission God has given us.
It’s a painful thing to realise that there are no bystanders (as Simon found
out) when it comes to carrying the cross of discipleship.
It’s painful to give up time and money and energy if we are too forget
ourselves, carry our cross, and follow Jesus.
There is no such thing as leaving
it to someone else. (That Good Friday Simon would have preferred to be left
All this might fill us with some anxiety (the cross certainly worried Jesus in
the Garden of Gethsemane) but it also opens up new possibilities (Jesus cross
certainly has done that)!
Bearing the cross will not only change the people around us, it will change us
too. Just as the lives of Rufus and
Alexander were changed and shaped by their cross-bearing father, likewise we too
will be transformed as we share the love of Christ in an active and positive
way. The Holy Spirit will use us to shape the next generation to know the loving
will of God, his forgiveness and the eternal life the offers and that will bless
us no end.
As cross-bearers we will support our fellow
cross-bearers – pastors, leaders, principal and teachers in our school, staff at
our Aged Care Village, those involved in music, the stewards, the sound and
projection operators, the youth leaders, those visiting the sick and house bound
and we will join in prayer for the hundreds of people who daily come to this
place. We will have a place in
shaping this community and passing on the love of Jesus and in some way change
lives so that they too become cross-bearers.
Alexander and Rufus are mentioned by Mark for one reason only – they were sons
of the cross-bearer and became cross-bearers themselves as leaders of the church
in Rome and supporters of the spread of the gospel.
May God grant us as individuals and as a congregation the grace and
wisdom and the faith to be loyal cross-bearers.
“If any of you
want to come with me, you must forget yourself, carry your cross, and follow
© Pastor Vince
1st March