Sermon for the Third Sunday in Lent
Text: John 2:15,16 So Jesus made a whip from cords and drove all the animals out of the Temple, both the sheep and the cattle; he overturned the tables of the moneychangers and scattered their coins; and he ordered those who sold the pigeons, "Take them out of here! Stop making my Father's house a marketplace!" |
What is it that really burns you up?
What really stirs you up and gets you angry? Some people say that
all anger is sinful.
It’s true a lot of anger may lead to saying and doing things that are
harmful, there is also good anger.
Good anger comes as an expression of love and concern.
Today we hear of Jesus being angry.
The anger that Jesus felt that day grew out of his love for his Father and love
for the people he saw in the temple and concern for what their worship had come
to mean. It is because of the
intensity of his passion that we see Jesus so stirred up.
Jesus has just performed his first miracle at the wedding at Cana where he
turned water into wine. In fact
John doesn’t call it a miracle; he calls Jesus’ miracles ‘signs’.
They are signs that God is doing something new; a new age is dawning on this
They are signs that the Messiah has come and that God is about to reveal his
glory and do some powerful things as he demonstrates his love.
They are signs that a new order has come to replace the old.
They signs that things will never be the same again.
Jesus’ first interaction with the public in John’s Gospel takes place in the
temple. He causes a furore and
people question his messianic authority and ask for a sign.
The sign Jesus gives is a prediction of his own suffering, death and
Can you visualise the scene? Jesus
has entered the temple courtyard and it looks like a market place crowded with
people selling and buying and money changing hands.
As Jesus watches all this he is
outraged. He makes a whip from some
rope and drives out the animals from the courtyard, overturns the tables sending
the coins of the money changers spilling on to the ground.
“Get these out of here,” he shouts. “This is place of prayer.
How dare you turn my Father’s house into a market! ”
By the way, we aren’t talking about Jesus driving out a couple of animals from
the courtyard. During the Passover
thousands of lambs as well as oxen and pigeons were slaughtered in the temple.
So you see the temple courtyard would have resembled a huge animal
market. And as Jesus cleared
all of these out, it was the maddest and angriest anyone had ever seen Jesus.
But you see, the problem is not only that Jesus is really mad, but he is in the
temple when he gets so angry. And
it’s the time of the Passover – the great celebration of the liberation of
Israel from Egyptian slavery. This
is the highest, happiest feast of Israel’s year.
The temple was the place where the nation gathered to be close to God. The
temple is that place where they remembered God; they came there to be with God.
Everyone is happy to be here at Passover in the temple for this festival
occasion. What a contrast this is
to the anger of Jesus, whip in hand, overturning tables and shouting,
“Get out of here!”
A while ago we heard the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament reading.
On this occasion Jesus doesn’t get red hot about adultery, he doesn’t get
mad because the people in the temple were stealing, he doesn’t get furious
because of covetousness or lack of respect for parents.
He attacked their worship. He assaulted their religion.
He isn’t attacking the Pharisees for their legalism, or the scribes for
their snobbishness. He isn’t
assaulting unbelievers, he is attacking believers.
Here he barges in and attacks the
religious for their religion, for the way they have perverted the worship of
John quite deliberately places this story in chapter 2 of his gospel because a
new thing is breaking into this world.
The temple with its sacrifices and superficial worship has had its day.
Jesus explains it this way to the Samaritan woman,
“Believe me, the time is coming when you
won't worship the Father either on this mountain or in Jerusalem.
… The time is coming and is already here
when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father
is looking for anyone who will worship him that way.
For God is Spirit, so those who worship
him must worship in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23-26).
We are in the Lenten season and this is a time of self-examination.
Jesus cleansing of the temple leads us to ask ourselves,
“Does our worship need cleansing and renewing?”
“What does this ‘sign’ say to us about how we worship and our attitude toward
worship”. This is a text that leads
the religious to examine their religion.
We are supposed to come here to meet God, to spend time with God and be touched
by God and healed by God.
We are supposed to come here to recall the great things God has done in our
lives this past week and celebrate with thanksgiving how God has rescued us from
slavery to sin and given us a new land, a home in heaven with him forever.
We are supposed to be here to let the God who loves us touch our lives in his
Word and the Sacrament, assure us of his love and send us out into the world to
make a difference.
We are supposed to come here with our fellow Christians and be strengthened and
reassured in their presence that we are loved and supported and comforted.
But what often happens. We get out
of bed, get dressed, sit in our seat, sing the hymns and songs, fight to keep
focussed during the sermon, struggle to concentrate when our legs are aching
during the prayers, stand for the benediction, have morning tea ... and go home.
When Jesus saw what people had done with the worship life in the Temple he was
horrified. It made Jesus mad, just
so mad when he saw what had happened to worship in the temple and what terrible
attitudes those worshippers had.
When Jesus looks into the temple of our hearts when we worship, is he also
horrified about the way we approach worship?
When he looks into our hearts does he see our reluctance to be here, driven here
by our consciences, barely participating in the service and glad it is all over
when that last “Amen” is said?
Are we so busy that out of the 168 hours in a week we can’t willingly spare just
one hour to come into the presence of God with our fellow believers and
celebrate God’s love.
When we come here to this church, do we really worship and celebrate God’s
goodness in our lives, or do we just go through the motions sitting, standing,
singing, saying the words, and perhaps sleeping, if not physically then
When we come here to worship are we aware of what we are doing - that we have
come here in the presence of the all-powerful and ever-loving God whose name we
call on at the beginning of the service?
When we come here to worship do we have a sense of the absolutely amazing grace
of God who has made it possible for us sinners to have the privilege to come
before him?
At the temple the worshippers lost sight of just this fact and became more
engrossed in other things. Recently I read this about worship:
Does anyone have the foggiest idea what sort of power we so blithely invoke?
Or, as I suspect, does no one believe a word of it.
It is madness to wear ladies’ straw hats and velvet hats to church; we
should all be wearing crash helmets.
Ushers should issue life preservers and signal flares; they should lash
us to our pews for God will one day take offence...”
There is an element of humour in this, but it is also the truth.
Too often we consider worship as just a yawn.
Just as Jesus took great offence about the way the people were
worshipping at the temple, likewise he is also offended by the attitude we have
to worship.
The Bible says, “Since we are receiving a
Kingdom that cannot be destroyed, let us be thankful and please God by
worshiping him with holy reverence and awe”
(Hebrews 12:28).
We have to admit that “reverence and awe” have been replaced by a
Isn’t it true that sometimes we lose focus of why we come here?
We lose focus because we are distracted by our feelings about the music,
the preacher, the people sitting around us, the person we don’t particularly
like sitting a few rows in front of us, you know what I mean.
This is one of Satan’s oldest tricks to get our thoughts and focus away
from God and on to things very mundane and extremely distracting.
It happens to me as much as to anyone else – there are times when I don’t like
the music, or there’s a distraction, and I admit that sometimes I find certain
things that people do in worship off putting but when I’m most annoyed I have to
remind myself that we’re all different, we all have different tastes in music,
we have different ways of worshipping e.g. some like drama while others like
meditation, but in spite of our
differences, in love we join with our fellow brothers and sisters and worship
and celebrate our God in the best way we know how.
Remember Paul’s picture of the church as a body.
Every part of the body works together, even in worship.
And besides, God comes to us in his word and Sacraments regardless of
what kind of music we have, or what style of liturgy, or what level of
understanding we have about what worship is all about.
Jesus cleaned out everything that didn’t belong in the temple.
He cleans out everything that doesn’t belong in our lives including our
worship lives here in this church or wherever.
He gave his body and blood for all the insincerity in our worship,
the times we have been driven to worship by conscience but our hearts weren’t in
for all the times we have spoken the words and not meant them.
He has given us his body and blood for the times we have sat here and gone home
untouched by the Spirit,
for all the times we have given something else a higher priority than coming
into the presence of God.
We thank God that he is still cleansing his temple, the temple of our hearts
today. We are made clean by the
blood of the Lamb and invited to come and stand in his presence with reverence
and awe.
© Pastor Vince
11th March