Sermon for the Fifth Sunday in Lent
Hebrews 5:7-8 In his life on earth Jesus made his prayers and requests with loud cries and tears to God, who could save him from death. Because he was humble and devoted, God heard him. But even though he was God's Son, he learned through his sufferings to be obedient. |
One of us
A young
husband and father, who was also a farmer, came into the house for lunch.
He ate with his wife and children as he normally did and then went out to
the shed where he kept his tractor, threw a rope over the rafters, jumped off
his tractor and ended his life.
were on everyone’s lips. Why did do
it? Was something wrong in the
marriage? Was it the low prices he
had received for his grain? Or was
it the mounting debt to the bank?
Was it a sense of failure? Was
there some kind of mental illness, maybe depression, that no one knew about?
It seemed he loved his kids and wife – what drove him to such an extreme
Everyone was
trying to get inside the mind of this young man and find out what drove him to
his death. Everyone was guessing,
but in the end, no one would ever really know what his last thoughts were that
day. They have remained a mystery
to this day.
Have you
been confused and troubled by the behaviour of another person and have found it
difficult to understand what is really going on in his or her life.
I guess that happens because all of us are different.
No two people have the same experiences. Our genetic makeup, our
upbringing, the culture we live in, our understanding of things spiritual, the
confidence that we have in our abilities, our friendships, the differences in
each of us to tolerate conflict, stress, worry and pain all end up making us
unique individuals. That’s why it’s
sometimes very hard to understand why people behave in certain ways. If I take
just one example,
Can we, who live in comfortable homes and an overabundance of food, ever know
what it’s really like to live in poverty with no decent water, no electricity,
poor food once a day, bits of tin for a house, very little medical help, no cash
in your pocket and no idea what tomorrow will bring?
The question
that I want to lead to is this – how much does Jesus appreciate and understand
us and everything that happens in our lives?
Why do ask this question? Well, the Bible clearly says
he is God; that he was there at the creation of the world and is now ascended to
heaven where he rules with all power and authority.
As Paul wrote, “Christ
rules above all heavenly rulers, authorities, powers, and lords; he has a title
superior to all titles of authority in this world and in the next. God put all
things under Christ's feet and gave him to the church as supreme Lord over all
things (Eph 2:21-22). If Jesus
is so “godly”, so totally different to us, how well can he appreciate the things
that are happening in our lives right now?
Has he ever had a sick day?
Has he ever had to grapple with depression, terminal illness, or to live in a
dysfunctional family?
Did he find some things easy, some hard, some pleasures intense and some less
intense, was he pulled this way, pulled that way?
Did he have to painstakingly grow and develop, bit by bit, as we do?
Or was his
personality, his character, his ability to cope and endure, his patience his
understanding and compassion perfect from the moment he was born because he was
God? It follows then that if he was
so perfect then how can he understand what it’s like not to be so perfect?
The question that is almost as old as Christianity itself is this – was
Jesus really human or was he God in human disguise?
The answer
we give is crucial. Among the things Christians believe is that through the life
and death of Christ, God became a part of what it means to be human.
He didn’t stand aloof from everything that happens in our lives.
He came right into the middle of our temptations, suffering, sadness,
depression, sin, rebellion and death.
This means
that because of
Jesus, God can identify with us. He actually cares for us as one who personally
knows us from the inside out and the outside in.
He knows what is really happening inside of us and the causes of the
trauma and drama in our lives better than we know ourselves.
He knows all this because he has lived here amongst it all and
experienced it all himself.
We say that
through Jesus, God knows what it’s like to be hungry or to have plenty, to toil
and sweat.
God knows the frustration of learning discipline and skills which
don’t come naturally.
God comprehends what it’s like to sleep peacefully or toss
sleeplessly, to relax and enjoy a joke.
Jesus, God has experienced sore muscles, headaches, and pain.
From Christ, God
appreciates what it’s like to be warmed by a smile or to be snubbed by
understands what it’s like to enjoy a new friendship and treasure an old one, to
feel affirmed and to be betrayed, to suffer for the truth, to be misunderstood,
to make enemies, to suffer emotional and physical agony, and to feel forsaken.
Yes, forsaken; forsaken by everyone, even God himself.
He knows what it’s like to die, because he suffered and died there on the
cross with Jesus, if we can possibly get our heads around that possibility.
The letter to the Hebrews, is one of the more
challenging books of the New Testament, but one thing it does is present Jesus
as God but at the same time as one of us.
He prayed and begged God to save him from suffering and pain and death
just as we do. But he obediently
went the way of the cross because he trusted the love of his Father.
Through his obedience he gained forgiveness for all of us who buckle
under the weight of temptation and suffering, for all of us who doubt God’s love
when life gets really tough.
I like it
that Jesus had to grow in understanding and wisdom in the hard school of
life just as we do;
that he learnt about obedience and suffering just as we do.
I like it
that he learnt about life and experienced life the same way as we do;
that he suffered pain – verbal and physical abuse, rejection by
both those who were close to him and those who were in positions of authority,
hurt feelings, disappointment, sadness, frustration, anger, confusion and the
fear of dying in the same ways we do.
I like it that he disliked suffering and pain and death as much as we do.
I like it that we can learn from Jesus that there can be something gained by
obediently enduring the things that are difficult to endure.
I like all this about Jesus because he knows what it's like when I'm going through
any of these things.
So we can
conclude that Jesus experienced life just as we do with all its ups and downs. However,
some of you may be silently saying, “Jesus was human like us but he was
different in one important way; he didn’t know what it was like to feel the shame of
sin. If he was without sin, how can
he know what it’s like to be us?”
That’s a
good point. Let me respond with
this. The prophet Isaiah makes the point
that “he was numbered among the
transgressors.” This means more
than the fact that a totally innocent man was accused and condemned for
blasphemy, by the highest religious authority in the land,
treated like scum by the soldiers who mocked and whipped him,
and then God’s own chosen people were stirred up to call out ‘Crucify him!’ and
set free the criminal Barabbas.
That phrase “he
was numbered among the transgressors” also refers to the guilt that was
thrust on Jesus from every direction.
He was carrying the sin of all humanity. Isaiah said,
“He was wounded for our
transgressions; he was bruised for our iniquities”.
Jesus knew
sin, what it can do and its awful consequences as he carried the weight of the
sin and guilt and shame of the whole world on his shoulders and died a sinner’s
death. Such was the shame of the
sin he carried that he tearfully cried out from cross,
“My God, my God, why have you abandoned
In every way
Jesus is one of us. He knows our temptations and how we fall into the trap that is
set for us and are grabbed by the unrelenting iron claws of seduction, guilt and
He knows when our hearts are heavy, and our heads are bowed low in shame because
again we have let our own desires, or the world around us, lure us away from
God’s ways.
He understands the prayer that we utter in despair, “I’ve fallen again.
I’ve given in again. Why
can’t I stop myself? I know what I
ought to be doing but I can’t seem to get it right”.
He hears us when we, like Jesus, make our
“prayers and requests with loud cries and tears to God”
maybe using the words of our psalm today,
“Be merciful to me, O God, because of your great mercy wipe away my sins! …
I have sinned against you – only against you – and done what you consider evil.
Remove my sin, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow”
(Psalm 51:1,3,4,7).
We are just a week away from Palm Sunday and Holy Week when we will again begin
to walk with Jesus the path to the cross – the path he took for our sake because
of our sin. We will come to Good
Friday again reminded of why there had to be a Good Friday in the first place.
As we remember Jesus’ obedience as he goes to the cross, we respond with
a prayer on our lips, “Create a new heart
in me, O God.” (Psalm 51:9,10).
18th March 2018