Sermon for the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
(Proper 13)
Genesis 32:22-31 Then a man came and wrestled with him (Jacob) until just before daybreak. When the man saw that he was not winning the struggle, he hit Jacob on the hip, and it was thrown out of joint. The man said, "Let me go; daylight is coming." "I won't, unless you bless me," Jacob answered. "What is your name?" the man asked. "Jacob," he answered. The man said, "Your name will no longer be Jacob. You have struggled with God and with men, and you have won; so your name will be Israel." Jacob said, "Now tell me your name." But he answered, "Why do you want to know my name?" Then he blessed Jacob. Jacob said, "I have seen God face-to-face, and I am still alive"; so he named the place Peniel. The sun rose as Jacob was leaving Peniel, and he was limping because of his hip. |
Struggling with God
Jacob, the son of Isaac is the
sort of character that lots of companies would love to have as one of their top
executives. Energetic.
Lots of initiative, to the point of being aggressive.
Few scruples when it came to getting what he wanted.
He was not one to take “No” for an answer. If he had something in mind,
he wouldn’t give up until he got what he wanted.
Even when the chips were down as in today’s reading that tells about his
difficulties at the River Jabbok, he was determined to turn it into profit.
He was not one to give up easy in the face of trouble.
As I said, the business world would clamour to have such a person on
their pay roll.
I reckon Jacob would have made a
great car salesman. I can just hear
him say, “Hi! My name is Jake from
Rusty Car Sales. We have beautiful previously owned, low mileage automobiles and
with no deposit and low payments you can be the proud of one of these beauties.
No reasonable offer will be turned down”. They might be heap of junk, but Jake
could sell a bowl of soup in exchange for his brother’s inheritance, he could
sell anything.
The story of the wrestling match
on the banks of the Jabbok is not an easy one.
But let’s try by looking at the background of everything that has
happened so far in Jacob’s life.
Jacob was the second born of
twins. He came into this world with his hand grasping his brother's heel, almost
it seemed, trying to pull Esau back so that he could get out ahead. His parents
named him Jacob, which means “grabber”.
This was sort of a prophetic foretaste of what kind of person Jacob would
turn out to be. By hook or by crook Jacob wanted desperately to always be the
winner by trickery, scheming and grabbing what he could get.
He spent his life getting out of
one tight spot and quickly ending up in another. He had become his mum’s
favourite at home, swindled his brother Esau out of his inheritance, and tricked
his dying father into giving him everything.
Who could blame Esau for wanting to strangle his greedy money-grabbing
Now after 20 years Jacob wants
to go back home. Back to the
brother who had threatened to kill him.
Back to the father he had cheated and lied to.
He is about to come face-to-face with the brother whom he has so
grievously wronged. How will he react?
Jacob is worried. Really
In order to soothe the anger of
his brother, Jacob organises flocks and herds to go ahead with his servants.
Then he wakes up the whole camp and sends his wives and children across
the river. Maybe his thoughts were to soften Esau’s heart when he saw those who
would be left widows and orphans if Jacob was killed.
Jacob is the only one left
behind. It’s night. And Jacob is attacked by a stranger. Who is this stranger
who jumps Jacob in the night? The
story only says “a man came and wrestled with him until just before daybreak”.
It's dark.
Jacob may have thought the attacker was a robber or even his brother who
had sworn to kill him. However, by
morning, Jacob will say that he has fought with God.
This must have been quite some
wrestling match. Bloody nose for
bloody nose. Blow for blow.
Head-lock for head-lock.
Then the man touches Jacob’s hip and dislocates it.
But Jacob continues the fight.
Near dawn, gasping for breath, exhausted, they speak.
“Let me go, day is breaking,” says the man.
“Bless me first,” says Jacob. (Jacob had the happy knack of getting something
even in the worst situations.)
“Well, what's your name?” asks the stranger.
“You are no longer called Jacob. You are Israel. You have struggled with God and
people and have prevailed.”
“So what's your name?”
Jacob didn’t get an answer to
his question. What he got was a new
name, a new identity. The name
Jacob has been associated with other names like “Trickster,” “Grabber,”
“Schemer” and “Deceiver”. Now he is called “Israel” which means “God preserves”
or “God protects”. With the new
name, there comes a new person, a new man, a new people is formed, called forth.
Jacob, now known as Israel is the one who has faced God, struggled with God,
been gripped by God, given a blessing, and renamed.
Jacob is forever changed.
With great relief and gratitude
Jacob acknowledges that he had been spared through God's gracious goodness, when
all he deserved was to be crushed thoroughly and completely.
He had always thought of himself as a self-made man, a person who was in
control of his life, but now he realises that in God’s eyes he wasn’t some great
hero of earth-shaking significance after all.
Rather, he was a pesky bug, a little buzzing nuisance, an arrogant
And yet, wonder of wonders, God
came down in human form, came down to Jacob’s level and engaged him in this
wrestling contest. He did this because he loved that pesky, buzzing, wiggling
little arrogant speck of a person.
He loved him!
He blessed him! No one gets
to see the face of God, least of all a man like Jacob. It’s no wonder he says in
amazement, “I saw God face to face, and I am still alive.”
Jacob is weakened by his
encounter with God's power. But strangely, he is also now much stronger -
stronger because now he leans on God's power.
God has come down to interact
with and for us, too. This time it is Jesus, God the Son who comes down.
He became human.
He wrestled with those who would not heed his call to “repent”, turn away from
their sin.
He wrestled with Satan and he won!
He wrestled with sin and death and triumphed over both through his death and
resurrection. He won, and so as the
victor, gives a blessing to each and every person.
He declares that we are his children; that he loves us, forgives us and
will always walk with us. He came
down and wrestled us away from Satan and brought us into his kingdom.
The amazing thing that Jacob's
story illustrates is that, whatever our past, whatever our previous priorities,
Jesus never gives up on us. Jacob
was an annoying man and was completely undeserving of so much of God’s
attention. And yet it is so
amazing, so typical of God that just when we think that God would wipe his hands
of such a low-life, God does the unimaginable – he loves him and blesses him.
Jacob was involved in a physical
wrestle with God but there are times when we find ourselves wrestling with God
in other ways.
As we watch small children
carried on stretchers bearing wounds inflicted by adults who are engaged in some
stupid relentless conflict, we wrestle with the question why these innocent
little ones have to suffer like this.
Where is God? Why does he
hide himself at times like this instead of coming with power and stopping this
terrible mess? Jacob left a trail
of destruction and hurt people wherever he went but God’s love was always there
and God always had a plan.
Sometimes we just have to trust that love even though we don’t understand it.
There are times when we have to
wrestle with our own failings – the times we are disappointed in the way we have
responded and acted. Like Jacob, we
are assured that
God’s forgiveness is greater than our greatest sin,
his renewal is greater than our deepest failing,
the life he gives is more secure than death,
and that he will be there when we have to wrestle with some of life’s
disappointments, doubts, and confusion.
There are times when we have to
wrestle with all the calamities, dangers, tragedies and upsets that stops us in
our tracks and upsets our best laid plans.
We wrestle with questions like
“Where is God when I need him?”
“Why is God allowing this to happen to me?”
“What have I done to deserve this?”
We struggle with God for
direction and purpose in the church.
What does he want us to do?
What new paths does he want us to walk?
Why is he taking us this way when we want to go another way?
Why isn’t the church as big and as successful as many secular
We wrestle looking for answers,
for help, for strength and in his grace God allows us to wrestle with him as we
try to come to terms with what has happened or is happening in our lives.
Sometimes God uses this wrestling and struggling so that we are led to the
obvious answer – that is, trust him that everything is in his loving hands and
nothing can cause him to love us any less.
Trust him to use what happens in our lives – unemployment, or problems with our
children, health issues and the struggles in our life – to deepen our faith so
that we will look only to him and depend on him when life’s problems get us
Suffering is not part of God's plan for us but he will use it to guide us and
lead us closer to him if he has to. And, perhaps he already has for some of us
And as we wrestle with God, like
Jacob, we may come away from it with some lasting injury,
but like Jacob, in our wrestling we will encounter God’s power and learn to lean
on him and again experience his grace and mercy,
and like Jacob, we are made new with trust in God, and refreshed in our
relationship with God, assured of the blessing of God.
May God’s Spirit use the
struggles that we have in this life to draw us closer to our Lord.
May God’s Spirit use the problems we wrestle with to once again reassure us of
the love and grace of our God.
© Pastor Vince Gerhardy
3rd August 2014