Sermon for the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
(Proper 14)
Text: Hebrews 11:8-9a It was faith that made Abraham obey when God called him to go out to a country which God had promised to give him. He left his own country without knowing where he was going. By faith he lived as a foreigner in the country that God had promised him. |
Who likes surprises?
There are good surprises and there are bad surprises.
A good surprise might be a bigger tax refund cheque than you expected;
an unexpected visit from someone special;
a surprise party to celebrate your birthday.
The following
conversation between two young children was overheard in the playground:
“Close your eyes and open your mouth.
Guess what this is?” as the little girl popped something into the mouth
of the little boy.
“Is it jelly bean? Red I think,”
came the answer after the first taste.
“Nooo.” was the reply from the little girl, “Try again”.
After the second taste, “Is it a chewy bear?”
“Nope. I'll give you a clue.
It isn’t something people eat.”
Yes, surprises can be unpleasant.
You've had them in your personal lives and no doubt you are thinking
about recent unpleasant surprises in your congregation and school communities.
These are the kind of surprises that no one wants.
But they come anyway.
In today’s readings we have heard a lot
about Abraham. Now there's a man
who had to cope with surprises –
most of his surprises were very unsettling. They included having a child when he
and Sarah were very old and then being told to sacrifice that child.
Today I want to focus on his first surprise.
Out of the blue God said to Abraham,
“Leave your country, your family, and
your relatives and go to a land that I will show you” (Gen 12:1).
Now Abraham was a very successful man.
He lived in a very rich, sophisticated and civilised part of the world.
He was very wealthy with a great amount of pasture land, sheep, cattle,
camels, goats – you name it and many servants.
God was asking him to leave this beautiful land behind and go to a
foreign country, live in tents, become a nomad, and head off on a journey that
will take him only God knows how long and to a place a place that only God
Abraham could have
easily said, “No way, God. You want me to leave all this and go across the
desert to some unknown foreign land for an indefinite time.
It's clear you have some kind of grand plan but
give me a hand here, God.
Can’t you give me some kind of reasonable explanation why you want to
turn my life upside down?”
But we don’t
hear of any kind of conversation like this between Abraham and God. We are
simply told, “He left his own country without knowing where he was going”
(Heb 11:8).
Why was Abraham able to simply
take off to an unknown place?
Why didn’t he stay in Haran where life was so good?
Simply put – faith – faith that led to Abraham to trust God and so confidently
do as God had said.
We are told, “It was faith that made Abraham obey God”.
“By faith he lived as a foreigner” in that strange land, always on
the move.
Today we heard God say to Abraham, “Do
not be afraid, Abram. I will shield you from danger and give you a great
reward.” Then we are told, “Abram put
his trust in the Lord”.
When our life
takes all kinds of unexpected twists and turns, it is this same kind of faith
that enables us to view everything differently.
We can be in strange and uncertain circumstances but still be full of
hope, confident and strong in the face of everything that's happening. The
apostle Paul expressed this kind of faith when he said that he can face all
kinds of trouble through the strength that Christ gives him (Phil 4:13).
What do we mean by faith?
is trusting in the promises of God.
Faith is trusting a promise made by God no
matter how weird it might be (like a couple of geriatrics, as Abraham and Sarah
were, becoming parents for the first time). Faith believes that a promise is a
When God promised Abraham, “Do not be afraid, I will protect you” (Gen 15:1),
he trusted God to keep his word.
When God promised that he would give Abraham and his descendants a new home,
Abraham trusted him, even though he never saw this happen in his lifetime.
Faith trusts that Word from God that says,
“I will not forget you.
I have written your name on the palm of my hands” (Isaiah 49:16)
Faith simply takes God at his word even when we can’t see around the next corner
of our life’s journey and we don’t know where we are heading.
Faith believes the promise that we are his dear children and that he will always
be watching over us as we travel the ups and downs of life’s journey.
Faith in our loving heavenly Father leads us to obedience even though we can’t
see where God will lead us. We are
told, “It was faith that made Abraham obey when
God called him to go out to a country which God had promised to give him.”
One day, Zac
and his father were climbing on some rocks that lined the seashore.
Suddenly Zac’s father hears a voice from the top of a big rock, “Hey Dad!
Catch me!” Zac had jumped and then
yelled and was sailing through the air straight at his father.
They both fell to the ground.
When Zac’s
father realised what had happened he gasped, “Zac!
Can you give me one good reason why you did that?”
He responded
with remarkable calmness and simplicity, “Sure, because you're my Dad.”
Isn’t that a
story about the faith of a Christian?
Whatever life might throw at us and whenever the sharp bends and
unexpected corners catch us unprepared, we can throw ourselves into the loving
arms of our heavenly Father with complete confidence knowing that he will always
be there to catch us. Just as Zac trusted the love of his father, we too can
trust the love of our God.
That’s all very good you might be saying, as I have, “But I'm no Abraham”.
these words sound familiar to you, “But God, this is all so unfair. I know
you're there and that you love me but at this moment this does nothing to take
away the pain and the hurt and the grief. I'm sorry, God, but it seems you’ve
left me in the lurch to deal with all this by myself.
I can't help myself when I say, ‘You aren’t being very fair’.”
We aren’t told if Abraham had any struggle
with God’s command to relocate but we do know of another man who lost everything
and struggled to understand God.
That man was Job. He came to the
conclusion that it’s not God who is unfair.
Life is unfair! It’s the
world we live in that is unfair.
It is sin that causes trouble and crime in our community, on our roads and wars
among nations.
It is the frailty of our bodies that brings sickness and pain and disease and
the need for hospitals, surgery and medicines.
It is death that causes us anguish and grief and heart ache as we are faced with
the loss of loved ones from this life.
It’s the economic events in this community that has caused the grief and
heartache in this church and school.
It’s life that is unfair.
We may not
understand the trouble that is happening in our lives and we may be overwhelmed
with doubt that everything that is happening is so unfair and that God isn’t
playing by the rules of what we think is fair, but the last word in all of this
is the Bible’s call to see beyond all that is happening and see in faith the
love of our God and his call to eternal life where all the unfairness of this
life will come to an end. “To
have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things
we cannot see”, we read in Hebrews.
This is what Job meant when he said, “The Lord gave and now he has
taken away. May his name be
praised!” In other words, “I
have been subject to some extremely unfair treatment in this life and even
though I don’t understand why, in faith I can look beyond all that (right now
and in the life to come) and see God's loving face”.
Job trusted God regardless of his present circumstances.
This kind of confidence and praising of God in the face of all kinds of tragic
circumstances is not unusual. Some
people may think it strange to be able to praise God in the face of trouble, but
it does happen. Even when the
journey ahead is unclear and seems to be full of trouble, in faith you are able
to trust God as your loving heavenly Father; he made you and he knows you
personally and intimately. He knows
what you are going through at any time.
Faith leads you to believe that God really loves you as shown in his Son, Jesus,
and that this love is as strong for you as ever;
Faith enables you to be confident that even in the most confusing and troubling
times and things don't make any sense, you are held in the hand of God who loves
you so deeply.
The Bible never belittles human disappointment or the agony and trouble that we
have in this life but it does add one key word – temporary.
What we feel now, we will not always feel.
Trusting God we are given the ability and strength to rise above the
troubles and anxieties and leave all our worries in the hands of our Saviour.
In Jesus, we see the perfect example of
what it means to have faith. He faithfully carried out his work in an unfair
world, opening the path for each of us to have eternal life.
When we are weighed down with worry and
our sinfulness and we feel like giving up and feel as though he has let go of
us, in truth he has his arms firmly wrapped around us.
“I am your good shepherd.
I know you. I love you. I will not let you go. Together we will walk into
the future”.
© Pastor Vince
7th August 2016