Sermon for the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
(Proper 18)
For a First Communion service
Text: Matthew 26:26 Jesus took a piece of bread, gave a prayer of thanks, broke it, and gave it to his disciples. “Take and eat it,” he said; “this is my body.” |
At various times during the year, classes
of students from both St Paul’s School and Grace College come into the church
here to see and understand what makes a church building different to any other
building. Now St Paul’s is no
cathedral nor are its walls dripping with ancient tales of days gone by compared
to many other churches around the world.
For many of the students who have no church connection or come from
churches that have a auditorium-like quality, one thing that catches their
attention is the symbolism here in the church.
Those of us who come here every week
probably take the symbolism for granted but the students are intrigued by
it and want to know the meaning behind each symbol.
And so they ask about the prominence of the cross; about the sanctuary
furniture – the baptismal font, the lectern and the altar and what they
represent and the symbols on each of these.
What is the meaning of the pictures in the stained glass windows,
why do churches have windows like this (I tell them where possible these usually
face the east and of course they ask ‘why’),
why do churches have high ceilings,
why do pastors wear ‘dresses’,
what do the different colours and banners mean?
Why is there the altar rail and why do people kneel?
Why do we put flowers in the sanctuary?
The questions are endless and the students soon learn that this is not a stage
but the sanctuary.
As we talk about these there is a
realisation that each of these pictures and symbols help us remember something
important about God.
They remind us that God is the creator, all powerful and present everywhere and
loving and gracious at the same time.
They tell us how God comes to us in his Word and the sacraments of Baptism and
Holy Communion.
They tell us something about the relationship between God and us.
When we come here to worship we gather to
remember and celebrate the goodness and mercy and love that we receive from our
God every day of our lives in a far greater way than we deserve.
Now I could go on a very long time about this but since we have some of our
young people coming to the Lord’s Table for the first time, I will narrow my
focus to Holy Communion and remind ourselves what this is all about.
1. In the Lord’s Supper, Jesus gives
As we come to the Lord’s Table, Jesus gives himself to us in bread and wine.
As you take the simple piece of bread and sip the wine, Christ is giving
himself to you. He is here, with
you, in you, joining with you in all the joys and sorrows of your life.
He is the living Christ who forgives, supports, carries and walks with
you every day whether you realise it or not.
Christ is really here in the bread and the wine.
“This is my body.
This is my blood”, he says.
It’s not a matter of, “I believe that
this is Jesus’ body and blood therefore it is his body and blood”.
Your faith or my faith do not give the sacrament meaning or make Jesus
present or not present. Out of pure
love for us, Jesus gives himself to all who come to this altar and all our faith
can do is receive this gift with empty and thankful hands. We receive with faith
the forgiveness and eternal life that Jesus gives through his dying and rising.
As a distinguished retired pastor in our midst says in an audible whisper as he
takes Christ’s body and blood in his hands:
Deo gratias – thanks be to God.
In truth, that’s all we can do.
With thanks, with nothing in our own hands, no worthiness on our part,
our faith grasps what God is offering.
At times even our faith is faltering and weak and yet placed in our hands
is Jesus himself for us to eat and drink.
Deo gratias.
2. In the Lord’s Supper, Jesus gives
us friendship with God
As we take into our hands
the bread and wine and the body and blood of Jesus himself he is once again
calling us “My friends” – “My brothers and sisters”.
We have received again the cleansing that he achieved for us on the
cross. Our sin has been wiped away.
He loves us unconditionally.
When we receive the bread and we hear the words
“given for you” and receive
the wine and hear “shed for you”
there is no doubt that God is speaking to each of us personally and
individually and including us among his friends.
It’s as if at that moment when we are holding in our hands and taking
into our mouths the body and blood of Christ, God’s forgiving and gracious love
is beaming down focussed directly on to each of us and God is saying to us
individually, “You are my beloved child.”
What can be more personal and deliberate than that?
3. In the Lord’s Supper, Jesus gives
us friendship with one another
Since we share together in the same body and blood of Christ and we are joined
together in the one body with Christ through Holy Communion, we share a special
bond. We are all forgiven sinners.
We have all been made new through the blood of Jesus.
We are all saints in the family of God.
Any private wars and differences that we have are wiped out.
Differences of opinion or misunderstandings no longer divide those who
have communed. We are one in Christ
even with those people we don’t feel particularly close.
That oneness in Christ says a lot about what we say about one another to others
and how we support one another. We share in the life of Christ; we have him
really present in us and with us through the sacrament of Holy Communion and
that gives us every reason to seek reconciliation even if we think we are the
ones who have been wronged, as we heard in the gospel reading today (Matthew
In the Lord’s Supper,
Jesus gives us hope
As we eat and drink at the Lord’s Supper Jesus reminds us of his continual
presence in our lives. He is our
living Lord and Saviour who is truly travelling with us through every trouble
that confronts us.
During the terrible genocidal civil
war in Rwanda, a Catholic priest was sheltering hundreds of refugees in a
school. Hundreds of men with
machetes and guns surrounded the school with deadly intent.
Everyone was terrified. What
did the priest do? He gathered the
people together for the Eucharist – Holy Communion.
After receiving communion the priest referred to the danger that was
threatening them saying, “We have been
strengthened in this Eucharist. …
Go in peace.”
Isn’t something similar said at the
end of our Communion service, “The body
of our Lord Jesus Christ and his precious blood make you strong in body and soul
to life everlasting. Go in peace”.
For those people that day in Rwanda that communion meal brought into their
hearts once again God's love and peace and reminded them that Christ was with
them in the face of so much hatred, anger and violence.
It is no different for us.
Christ gives himself to us in this meal and becomes part of us and
reminds us of his baptismal promise, “I
am with you always”. He goes
with us into the turmoil that we call “our lives” and gives us peace and
contentment knowing that his love and his presence will get us through it.
Even if this week will bring our dying day, we face it with Jesus,
knowing that he will take us to be with him into eternity.
In fact, as we celebrate the Lord’s Supper we are looking forward with
anticipation to the day when we will celebrate the great feast in heaven with
all those who have gone before us.
Someone once made this comment as he
was comforting a grieving friend.
It went something like this: At the moment when we kneel at the communion rail
and receive in our hands the body and blood of Christ there is a link between
the saints in heaven and the saints on earth as we share together the very
presence of Christ himself in the sacrament.
A thought worth some more consideration.
Sometimes this meal is called the Eucharist
– a Greek word meaning ‘to give thanks’.
As we receive in our hands the body and blood of Jesus we have much for
which to give thanks. We have a God
who came to earth that first Christmas and became flesh and blood for you and
me. He gave his body and shed his
blood for our sin and rose again from the dead to free us from the power of
At our baptism he made a covenant with us and affirms that covenant every time
we commune – “I will be you always”.
And when this life is over we have the certainty that we will celebrate the
greatest feast of all in heaven in the presence of our Saviour. All of that is
not to be taken lightly. It is
something worth celebrating.
My final word is to S, M, S and C – today
you are receiving a very precious gift for the first time.
It’s not the kind of gift that costs a lot of money at the shops though
it was very expensive because Jesus gave his life so you can have it.
It’s not the kind of gift that is so precious that you tuck it away somewhere
and only bring it out on special occasions like Christmas and Easter.
This is a gift from Jesus himself. It’s a gift that is given to help you along
the way.
Who knows what the journey ahead will
bring? Jesus knows and he is giving
you a gift that will remind you of his love;
that he is always with you;
that he will keep on loving you regardless what happens;
that he is always ready to help and support you.
Even when you are the weakest or you feel the least worthy or the most
rebellious Jesus is always ready to come close to you in Holy Communion.
God bless you as you come the Lord’s Table today for the first time.
© Pastor Vince
7th September 2014