Sermon for the Seventeenth Sunday after
(Proper 19)
Text: Luke 15:4-6a (Jesus said,) "Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them—what do you do? You leave the other ninety-nine sheep in the pasture and go looking for the one that got lost until you find it. When you find it, you are so happy that you put it on your shoulders and carry it back home”. |
On his shoulders
Fear, being afraid, terror, a sense of
unease and danger are important feelings that God has given to us to protect us
and defend us from all kinds of possible harm.
We learn this from a very early age. The first time we touch something
sharp or pointy or hot or see someone else touch one of these, we learn how
dangerous they are to us personally. So, when someone else wants to stick
something into us that’s sharp, fear kicks in and we protect ourselves.
Fear causes us to teach our children about
stranger danger.
Fear stops us from patting big dogs with big teeth.
Fear prevents finding out more about our neighbours.
Each of us have our own sense of unease and discomfort that comes out of some
unexplained fear – a fear of the dark, small spaces, certain harmless animals,
certain people.
One evening a woman was driving home when
she noticed a black car behind her driving uncomfortably close.
She stepped on the gas to gain some distance from the car, but when she
sped up, the black car did too. The
faster she drove, the faster the car did.
Now scared, she exited the freeway, but the
car stayed with her. The woman then
turned up a busy street hoping to lose her pursuer in the traffic.
But the car went straight through a red light and continued the chase.
Reaching the point of panic, the woman
whipped her car into a service station and ran inside screaming for help.
The driver of the black car ran toward her car, pulled the back door open
and hauled out a man hidden in the back seat.
It seems he had seen the man get into the back of the car moments before
the woman got in and drove away. He
was wanted by the police. The
woman’s fear caused her to watch out for her own safety but in this case she was
afraid of the man who was fearful for her well-being.
It just goes to show that in this crazy mixed up world even fear can get
all mixed up.
In the perfection of the Garden of Eden,
did Adam and Eve experienced fear?
If there was nothing to harm them before they disobeyed God, then fear instantly
became a part of their lives and the world around them after they sinned.
They became afraid of God; they were afraid to see each other’s nakedness
and they needed to protect themselves from the world around them.
That’s not what God had planned for his
world but that’s the way sin has made it.
Fear, unease, danger, pain and grief have destroyed the peace and safety
that God had created.
I saw on TV the other day, the anniversary
of September 11 and the raw emotions that this day still brings.
We know what kind of fear echoed around the world as a result of that
devastating day and similar terrifying days that have followed including
tsunamis and earthquakes and the terrifying consequences they have had on
people’s lives.
Recently we saw the effect of chemical
weapons being dropped on the people of Syria.
Can you imagine the fear that must grip the hearts of people after such a
terrifying indiscriminate attack?
People of all ages and backgrounds are left gasping for breath.
Such an attack could easily happen at any time again and so people live
in constant fear.
While the news focuses on that, there are
places where children are kidnapped and forced to serve in the armed forces or
girls are stolen for the sex trade.
Can you imagine the fear in the hearts of parents and in those who are stolen?
What is the answer to the evil in our
It’s the government’s job to provide a peaceful community for us to live in but
too often governments fail in this task.
There is plenty of evidence of this happening.
It’s the church’s role and that of every Christian to share the peace of Christ
in whatever way they can in order to break the cycle of evil – hatred,
vengeance, violence, and destruction of property and life.
We need to tell the world a new message – a message that tells of the
love and grace of God that comes through forgiveness and new life in Jesus. Some
people are able to influence powerful people. You and I
might not be able to influence world politics on a large scale, but when we
share the peace of Christ with others we are doing our bit to offer the world
hope in the face of so much carnage and violence.
The way of Christ is not to add to the carnage already inflicted on suffering
people but to urge and pray for our leaders to seek ways that do not involve
fear and violence.
Tell the world that there is a better way – that reconciliation, forgiveness and
peace are possible. There is a way
beyond fear.
In our text, Jesus was eating with “tax
collectors and other outcasts” and some religious people complained that he
shouldn’t be mixing with these low-lifes.
So he told a story about a shepherd.
A sheep is lost in the wilderness and the shepherd is afraid for the
safety of this one sheep. Having
seen the harshness of countryside in Israel I can understand fully why a
shepherd would become concerned about a lost sheep.
He goes to a lot of trouble to find his straying sheep.
He knows that his lost sheep is terrified as it wanders about in strange
territory unable to find its way home again.
He puts himself at great risk to go and find it and when he does find it
puts it on his shoulders and carries it back home” (v 5).
The sheep is safe. There is
someone who loves it, seeks it out and tenderly embraces it.
We can easily become lost sheep in a wilderness
of fear and insecurity. At any
moment events in our lives can raise our anxiety about our safety.
Like the sheep in Jesus’ story, we can be certain that we have a shepherd
who fears for our safety when we are afraid.
He lovingly holds us in his arms.
He assures us that we are his children, joined to him at baptism, members of the
family of God.
We are reassured that, come what may, he will not let go of us and will always
be our helper and the giver of strength when we feel the frailty of our
humanity. It may seem that the
circumstances that are causing our fear are outside of our control and we can’t
help but feel terrified and unsafe and uncertain and fearful about how the
future will turn out. But we
know that Jesus, our shepherd, will always hold us close when our fear and lack
of security overwhelm us.
puts us on his shoulders and carries us back home” (v 5).
When we become lost sheep in the wilderness of
fear about our own death or that of a loved one, we can be certain that we have
a shepherd who lovingly holds us close and comforts us with his words of
promise. The words of Psalm 23 are
especially relevant and have comforted people over the centuries reminding those
whose lives have been shattered and are grieving, that they have a comforter.
“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall
not want. … Even though I walk through
the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil for you are with me, your rod
and your staff – they comfort me.”
When we fear the day we will breathe our last breath, we are assured that
Jesus our shepherd, who has defeated the power of death, will comfort us when
our fears are the greatest. He will
reassure us of his promises that he has prepared a place for us in his Father’s
house in heaven (John 14). When
death does come to us, be assured that Jesus the shepherd
us on his shoulders and carries us back home” (v 5).
There are those times when we become lost
sheep in a wilderness of questions, most of them starting with “why”.
There are so many questions – questions that rise out of fear because we
don’t have all the answers. Why
cancer? Why this tragedy?
Why me?
Jesus the shepherd sympathises with us and
understands. We might have so many
questions for God, but there is no doubt about God’s love for us.
When we are finished with all of the questions, we will realise that God
hasn’t moved away from us one bit.
His patience and love have not decreased one bit.
Like the shepherd in Jesus’ story, the sheep was lost in the wilderness
but the love of the shepherd was so strong, even to the point of being reckless
when he left the rest of the flock to look for that one sheep.
He feared for the safety of his sheep.
We could even say, when we are lost in a wilderness of questions and
doubt, his love for us burns stronger than ever before.
When our faith in God’s love falters we can be assured the shepherd
us on his shoulders and carries us back home” (v 5).
There are times when we become lost sheep in a
wilderness of helplessness. Being
helpless fills us with fear and anxiety.
It may be helplessness in the face of disease or lying in a hospital bed after
an accident;
the helplessness that approaching death brings;
the helplessness of giving into the same temptations;
the helplessness that we can’t change any of our circumstances.
It’s just at those moments when our strength gives out, we give up and we are
fearful of the future, that Jesus’ arms around us are the strongest.
His presence and love strengthen us.
When we are lost in the wilderness of helplessness, be assured Jesus “puts
us on his shoulders and carries us back home” (v 5).
One thing worth noting is the shepherd’s
persistence. He doesn’t give up
until he has found that straying sheep.
We see that in Jesus. His
persistent love for us, led him to the cross.
At the Communion table, he provides a meal for us, bread and wine, his
body and blood. Even though we are
sinners, nevertheless he shares himself with us at this meal.
Those grumbling words of the Pharisees could also include us, “This
man, (Jesus) is friendly with sinners.
He even eats with them” (Luke 15:2 CEV).
In all the trouble that sin causes in our
lives, it is great to know that we have a Saviour, a loving shepherd, who
us on his shoulders and brings us back home”,
and in the end to our eternal home.
© Pastor Vince
15th September