Sermon for the Seventeenth Sunday after
(Proper 22)
Phil 3:10a “All I want is to know Christ.” |
Pursuing what is
What was Sir Donald Bradman’s batting average? (99.94)
In what city did the Commonwealth Parliament first sit? (Melbourne)
Which band has received an Australian of the
Year Award? (The Seekers)
What Australian movie includes the phrase “Tell him he’s dreaming”? (The
What is the tallest waterfall in Australia? (Wallaman Falls, Qld).
Where is the Big Prawn? (Ballina).
If you ever want to go on the TV
show Million
Dollar Minute that’s the kind of
knowledge you would need. You don’t have
to be academically brilliant. In
fact, there have been contestants on the show whom I would consider to come from
professions that require a good deal of intelligence.
Those who win are the people who can absorb and recall trivia – small
details from everyday life that other people simply overlook as unimportant.
If someone asked me, “What nationality was the person who invented the
dual flush toilet?” I wouldn’t know because it’s a piece of trivia that I’ve
considered not important enough to want to store in my memory forever.
(By the way, it is an Australian – Bruce Thompson in 1980).
When you think about it, our daily lives
are made up of quite a bit of trivia – lots of little insignificant things.
I’m thinking of things like brushing your teeth, combing your hair,
eating breakfast cereal, hanging out the washing, doing the dishes, having a
shower and so on. None of these
events will ever be recorded in a biography of our life.
When our obituary is read at our funeral all those little mundane things
that make up 90% of our life won’t get a mention.
Even though those ordinary events make up
so much of our life, they aren’t anywhere near as important as the day we were
married, or the birth of our children, the happy times we’ve spent together as a
family, or the marriage of our own children and the arrival of grandchildren.
What is more important – a trendy expensive
overseas holiday that masks underlying family tension or a low key holiday where
family members share, support and help and enjoy one another’s company and the
whole event enhances their relationships?
Which is more enjoyable – a lavish dinner
with all the trimmings in an atmosphere of anxiety and bitterness, or fish and
chips eaten in an atmosphere of love and understanding all round?
The world is really good at making
unimportant things seem important.
The people involved in advertising know exactly how to make trivial things seem
so important. In fact, they make it
seem that our lives wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t follow their advice.
They keep telling us in their advertising that if we really want to have
a happy and complete life then it’s not possible unless we use their product.
Drive this kind of car.
Buy this brand of cleaning product.
Use this insurance policy.
Buy these and you'll be as happy meerkat eating a Happy Meal at McDonald’s!
It's so easy to turn anthills into
mountains. We get all mixed up.
Little things are treated as big things and big things are treated as
little things. We get side-tracked
and our lives are given direction by the small things, the unimportant things.
Well, what really are the important things?
For a start God is important.
Now I know I hardly need to say that in the present company.
Everyone here in this church knows that!
But we all know how often we forget what is really important and get
everything out of perspective.
The existence of God and his love for you and me is
far more important than knowing the exact age of the earth, as interesting and
as important as that information might be.
The undeserved and unmerited love of God for us is far more important than
knowing all the details of how vast and awesome the universe is.
That God has adopted us into his family through the water of baptism and
promised to always walk by our side during the good and bad times in our journey
through life is more important than how much we are earning or what brand labels
are on our clothes.
There is nothing more important in the entire world than the special love that
God has for each of us. And yet
somehow we manage to get side-tracked. Paul says in Romans 12,
“Don't copy the behaviour and customs of
this world” and yet that’s exactly what we do. We copy what other people
consider to be the most important and place them before God and his love for us.
It’s easy to copy the world’s values and not even now we’re doing it.
Because everyone else is doing it, it’s natural to think it’s ok, when in
actual fact, it’s not God’s way.
Satan attempted to side-track Jesus in the wilderness
with all kinds of temptations and get him to focus on fame and saving himself
and not on being the Saviour of all people.
The disciples at times were side-tracked by trivialities (like the discussion
about who will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven).
The Pharisees and leaders of the Jews tried to discredit Jesus in front of the
people with all kind of unimportant issues but Jesus always focussed on what was
important. He always came back to the main reason for his presence on earth,
“I have come in order that you might have
life—life in all its fullness” (John 10:10).
Jesus reached out to people in love.
He healed people. He raised people from the dead.
He forgave their sins. He
taught them and challenged them to
“take up their cross and follow him”.
These were great things but the greatest was still to
come. He died on a brutal cross and
in doing so paid the price for our failures and our over emphasis on the
unimportant things of life.
Jesus died.
And he was raised again.
There is nothing trivial about what is happening here.
This is the most important piece of news to have ever come into our
world. Jesus died for our sakes.
He went through all of that just for us, simply because he wants us all
to share in the joy of eternal life.
If you want to know what the most important thing in this life is – this
is it. Jesus and everything he has
done for us.
In his letter to the Philippians, Paul put
it this way, “Everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite
value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything
else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ” (Phil 3:8-9a).
Whatever Paul had considered as important
prior to his conversion is no longer his first priority.
Once Paul thought his heritage as a Jew, the festivals and ceremonies of
the Jewish religion, and obedience to the law, were the most important things.
But in comparison with the Christ, all of this pales into insignificance,
or to use Paul’s word, “I consider it all as mere garbage.”
One of the reasons we need regular and
faithful commitment to church attendance is that here we can make a time for a
weekly mini-retreat to a place where the ordinary business of living is set
aside to re-focus on what is really important.
It is a time to find forgiveness, to celebrate, to give thanks and to
hear what he has to say to us through his Word. This is a time when we can place
Jesus and the work he has given us as the one thing that is truly important in
our lives. This is the one time we
can be served by Jesus as he gives us his body and blood and we are totally
focussed on him and his love for us.
While the world around us is screaming,
“Make me the most important part of your
life”, the time we spend with Jesus here on Sunday and every day in prayer
and devotion time, keeps us focussed.
Paul is making it so clear to his readers.
“Everything else is worthless when
compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord …
All I want
is to know Christ”.
That is the most important thing for him.
Everything else is not important – it’s rubbish.
It is Christ and only Christ who can give hope.
When it comes down to it everything in this world will pass away, even
this body, and it is then that we only have Christ and he gives us everything we
It’s so easy to get everything upside down
and our values and priorities topsy-turvy and end up regarding Jesus and his
love for us as less important than we should.
Today we are challenged to put first things first.
We are challenged to take another look at what we regard as important and to
recognise those things that we have elevated to take the place of the most
important of all things.
There is nothing trivial about Jesus Christ – his suffering and dying for us.
There is nothing trivial about the special relationship that our heavenly Father
has with us and this is made clear to us in Baptism and in Holy Communion.
There is nothing trivial about the presence of our Saviour in our everyday lives
as he comforts, guides and supports us.
There is nothing trivial about the promise Jesus gave
that “All who live and believe in
him will never die” but will enjoy life in heaven forever.
Keeping Christ central in a world that
demands that so many other things are more important is hard work and it’s
becoming more and more difficult to make Christ central in our ever increasing
secular society that has no understanding of God whatsoever.
The apostle knew that as well as anyone because he also lived in a
non-christian world and talked about constant striving and to never think that
this business is a pushover – because it’s not.
He knows how important Jesus is and so he keeps on
reminding himself, “All I want to know is
Christ” and he keeps on telling those whom he loves,
“All you need to know is Christ – he is
the most important”.
In Jesus Christ there is life.
There is nothing trivial about that!
© Pastor Vince
5th October 2014