Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost
(Proper 27)
Text: Mark 12:41-42 As Jesus sat near the Temple treasury, he watched the people as they dropped in their money. Many rich men dropped in a lot of money; then a poor widow came along and dropped in two little copper coins, worth about a penny. |
There have been many times when I've
listened to an obituary at a funeral of someone whom I have come to know only in
their later years and found out so much more about the person that I had never
known before. I am led to marvel at the amazing ways that person has used
his/her abilities and touched the lives of many people within that person’s
family, the church, the community and even overseas.
The person has left a legacy of love serving as a missionary, a teacher,
nurse or simply helping wherever possible. All this I would never have
guessed from the very humble and unassuming person I had come to know in their
retiring years.
This was written in a
newspaper editorial commenting on the funeral of one of the town’s residents.
“The reason so many people lined up behind the hearse that held the kind old
man's mortality was simple: they loved him.
He devoted his life to helping people.
In a simple way, without money or worldly power, he gave of the
gentleness of his heart to all around him.
We are apt to say that money talks, but it speaks a broken,
poverty-stricken language. Hearts
talk better, clearer, and with a wider intelligence.
This old man with the soft voice and the kindly manners knew the language
of the heart and when he spoke he did so with encouragement and joy.
He was infinitely patient and brave.
He held a simple, old-fashioned faith in God and his loving-kindness.
When others gave money - which was of their store - he gave prayers and hard
work and an inspiring courage. He
helped. In his sphere he was a
power” (The Gazette).
The old man didn’t have any titles or
wealth or great knowledge. He was
just an ordinary bloke who lived a very ordinary life but had the extraordinary
ability to allow God's love to reach out to others through him.
In this way he was able to be an inspiration and an encouragement to the
people in his town. Most likely he
didn’t even know he was having this effect on people’s lives as he went about
his ordinary everyday life being an old man with a soft voice, a kind heart,
having something encouraging to say, helpful, gentle and yet bold and with an
old-fashioned faith in God.
Think about the people who have had a
profound influence on your life and I would guess that there wouldn’t be too
many prime ministers or millionaires or royals or famous people among them.
For most of us, it has been ordinary people who have had the greatest
impact on shaping our lives and moulding us into the people we are today.
Ordinary people like our mums and dads, our grandparents, a teacher, a
Sunday School teacher, a special friend, an uncle or aunt.
Some of the people around you might have
been very ordinary when it came to material possessions but in spite of this
they weren’t ordinary in your eyes. To you they were and are still special.
They are extraordinary your eyes because they gave themselves to you
unselfishly and sacrificially. They
have loved you, guided you, encouraged you, helped you and boldly and lovingly
told you when you were going down the wrong track.
They have shown their
hearts to you and you have seen their pain when you have disappointed them and
their joy when you made them proud.
And you have responded to this love and
recognised that here are people who really love you and are concerned about what
happens in your life. You see
in these people the kind of love that doesn’t count the cost and doesn’t give up
and is reckless in the way that it will do anything for you.
We see
this kind of reckless love in a father, an ordinary man by all human reasoning,
no tickets on himself, no titles or great wealth, in fact, will be embarrassed
that I am even mentioning him today, putting his own health and life at risk to
give his daughter a kidney so that she could have a better life.
An ordinary person, letting love take control, and trusting God for the
what Jesus observed that day in the temple when he saw a widow enter the Temple.
If there was an ordinary person in the society in which Jesus lived it
was a widow. She had no standing in
the community because she had no husband.
No voice in community affairs.
No income. She approached
the place where the offerings are collected and she drops in two small copper
coins – the smallest amount possible. Really the money she gave was nothing
compared to the bags of money that the wealthy worshippers were loudly dropping
into the offering bowls.
It would
have been easy to overlook this woman in amongst that crowd of prominent people,
making quite a show of how much they were giving.
Others might see her as ordinary but Jesus doesn't.
He sees things differently.
He sees the underlying motive behind her action.
He sees what makes this somewhat ordinary person, someone far more
important than all the others in the temple who were giving bags of money.
He says, “I tell you that this poor widow put more in the offering box
than all the others. For the others
put in what they had to spare of their riches; but she, poor as she is, put in
all she had – she gave all she had to live on” (Mark 12:43-44).
He is
saying that woman might look ordinary but her actions show quite the opposite.
She had no idea where her next meal was coming from.
She probably will have to beg, a most humiliating thing to have to do.
In fact, the widow has been quite reckless in her giving.
She has thrown logic and reason out the window.
This was crazy; some would call it stupid.
She gave only two small coins worth very little but she gave all she had.
She gave away her next meal. Jesus points out that this ordinary woman is
quite extraordinary and is to be commended for her commitment and love and faith
in God's goodness.
What we
are saying here about a seemingly ordinary person doing extraordinary things
could well be a description of Jesus himself.
In fact, this event happens after Jesus entry into Jerusalem on Palm
Sunday. In other words, he is in
the temple during Holy Week just days before Good Friday.
This very
ordinary man who caused such a fuss in the temple is arrested and put on trial and brutally treated and nailed to a
cross and, not unlike the widow, commits everything he has to his Father and
risks everything as he sacrificially gives himself as a ransom for all people.
This very
ordinary man who many people ignored, who many considered too insignificant to
be bothered with, who was laughed at by others, in actual fact had an amazing
love for them all and an extraordinary commitment to bring forgiveness and peace
into their lives even though it meant hardship and sacrifice and suffering for
him personally. He gave everything
he had to give for you and me.
We see
others take the risk and often pay the ultimate price giving up everything
because of their love for Jesus and their commitment to serving him that led
changed lives for some and hardship for others.
We hear
of Stephen early in the Book of Acts who speaks clearly to the Jewish Council
about the fulfilment of God's plan of salvation in Jesus whom they killed.
He knew how dangerous it was to speak this way but he risked everything.
He was dragged out of the city and stoned to death.
We hear
of Peter and Paul and how they were imprisoned and the hardships they endured.
They could have taken an easier path so that following Jesus involved
less hardship, was less risky and demanded less of them.
But they preferred the attitude of the widow and that of Jesus of going
all the way – risking everything, daring to face whatever challenges their
opposition put in their way even if it meant putting their life on the line.
sometimes use the phrase “everything in moderation” – meaning don’t get too
carried away. This is fine in
certain circumstances but is completely out of place in others and this is one
of those times when it’s not appropriate as much as we like it to apply to the
concepts of commitment and discipleship.
If the widow had reasoned as she was about to drop the coins into the
offering bowls “everything in moderation” would she have given everything she
had? Or if Jesus had said,
“Everything in moderation” as he entered Jerusalem, would he have endured all
that he did?
Jesus said, “If any of you want to be my
followers, you must forget about yourself. You
must take up your cross and follow me” (Mark 8:34) there is no hint of
‘everything in moderation’. We like
moderation because that makes things easier but Jesus doesn’t allow us that
luxury as he commends the widow, “she,
poor as she is, put in all she had—she gave all she had to live on.”
As with
all Jesus’ sayings about discipleship, this is a hard text.
How can we offer that kind of selfless, sacrificial, risking everything
commitment? Some people can do it
and we see example of this in history and every now and then in our world today,
but they seem few and far between.
Often they were in extraordinary times and places and seemed to be given
extraordinary strength to meet the demanding situation.
An example is Elizabeth of Hungary who died on November 17th
1231. She was born a princess and
wealthy. She became a follower of St Francis of Assisi and gave away all her
wealth to the poor. She opened
hospitals and worked long hours looking after the sick and feeding the poor.
Undernourished and overworked she succumbed to sickness and died at the
age of 24. Like the widow in the
gospel, she gave everything that she had.
As I said
this is a hard text. Not all of us
can be an Elizabeth of Hungary, or a Mother Theresa or a Dietrich Bonhoeffer but
we are called as ordinary people to be God's extraordinary people in our
world today in whatever way we can using the abilities and resources that he has
given us. We will struggle with
this. We will struggle with our
self-centredness, our selfishness, and our lack of concern for others.
We will struggle with wanting to do “everything in moderation”.
We will repent of our failure again and again.
Thankfully Jesus went all the way for us.
He went to the cross just for those times when we settle for mediocrity
and giving less than everything we have.
He died to forgive us and renew us and give us a fresh start and as many
fresh starts as we need because he knows that we will always struggle with being
who he has called us to be. We praise God for his reckless, sacrificial,
selfless, generosity shown to us in his Son, Jesus.
© Pastor Vince Gerhardy
11th November 2012