Sermon for the Last Sunday of the Church Year
Proper 29
Text: Ephesians
1:18-20 I ask that your minds may be opened to see his light, so that you will know what is the hope to which he has called you, how rich are the wonderful blessings he promises his people, and how very great is his power at work in us who believe. This power working in us is the same as the mighty strength which he used when he raised Christ from death and seated him at his right side in the heavenly world. |
David is twelve, an
orphan who has been in a concentration camp somewhere is Eastern Europe since
before he can remember. A man helps
him escape from the camp. He gives
him a compass and tells him to get to Italy and then go north to Denmark.
He sets out alone and afraid.
On his journey, David learns about forgiveness,
beauty, colour, happiness, trust, religion, love,
generosity – things that he had never experienced in the hard life of a prison
camp. David prays each evening always ending his prayer with, “I am David”.
As he walks from Italy into Switzerland he
meets an elderly lady who takes him in and during his stay David finds out that
his mother is alive and living in Denmark.
Now he knows why the man at the camp had told him to go to Denmark.
There is a reason for this journey.
His journey has highs like the time he is
taken in and cared for by a couple and their children and also lows when a
farmer treats him like a slave.
Many times David is afraid of losing his new found freedom.
The world is frightening place, full of danger and threats.
The whole journey almost becomes too hard for the 12 year old but he is
determined to reach his goal.
Grief stricken following the death of a
travelling companion, a dog who sacrifices his life so that David can get past
border guards, and almost at the point of exhaustion, he finally reaches the
front door of the address he had been given.
When the door opens, he looks at the woman and knows she is his mother.
He is home. (I
am David, a novel for young readers by Ann Holm, 1963).
David could be any of
us. Like David we are on a journey
that will take us to the place we call home.
David starts off with a skewed view of life.
Then a whole new world opens up to him but in spite of the new
experiences he has on his journey which include forgiveness,
happiness, trust, love, generosity, and kindness the
going is still tough. Mixed in with
this, there is cruelty, exhaustion, hunger, anger, hostility, fear and death.
It’s interesting that the writer leaves us at the end of the book with
the exhausted David about to cross the threshold into the waiting arms of his
mother. What happens after that, we
are left to our own thoughts.
On this last Sunday of the Church Year, we
turn our attention to the end of the history of this world and to the end of our
own personal history in this world.
Our thoughts turn to the end of our journey and much like David we stand even
now on the doorstep of the future and one day we will stand on the threshold of
the doorway into the life beyond this one.
David had experienced so much on his
journey to that doorstep of his home, and now that he was home, his life would
never be the same again. He would
enter a new life with his mother that would be something totally new and
wonderful. It would be something he
had never felt before – the unconditional warmth and love of another person, his
loving mother, for the first time.
That’s how it will be for us when we enter our eternal home, only so much more
wonderful and beyond our comprehension from this side of the doorstep.
It’s interesting that unlike the novel, our
reading from Ephesians today doesn’t focus on the travellers or the journey but
on who it is that enables us to reach the goal of stepping through the doorway
into life forever with our heavenly Father.
The focus is on God’s eternal plan and how that was accomplished through
Jesus. Paul says,
“God loved us and chose us in Christ to
be holy and without fault in his eyes. His
unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by bringing us
to himself through Jesus Christ. And this gave him great pleasure.
He is so rich in kindness that he purchased our freedom through the blood
of his Son, and our sins are forgiven” (Ephesians 1:4-5,7).
He then proceeds to write about how God
used his power and authority to raise Jesus from the dead and to lift him up to
sit at the right side of God in the heavenly world with glory and majesty and
power over all rulers, authorities and powers.
He uses this same power and mighty strength in us and calls us to share
in the same victory and bask in the same glory as Christ.
Paul prays “that you will
understand the hope that was given to you when God chose you.
Then you will discover the glorious
blessings that will be yours together with all of God's people” (Ephesians
All along Paul is determined to keep the
eyes of his readers focussed on Jesus and the strength and power that come from
being joined in him. He gets
excited talking about how wide and long and high and deep the love of Christ is
and prays that this love take over the hearts and lives of the believers and
that there be an ever growing appreciation of how wonderful and powerful this
love is for every one of them.
Excitedly Paul proclaims, “To him who by
means of his power working in us is able to do so much more than we can ever ask
for, or even think of: to God be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus for
all time, forever and ever! Amen” (Ephesians 3:21).
Paul has his eyes looking ahead to the
forever and ever, to the eternal glory of being with Jesus in eternity – there
can be no doubt about that, but at the same time, he doesn’t forget about the
journey in the here and now.
The novel
I am David, isn’t a religious book
but it could well be a parable illustrating the Christian’s journey.
There were times when David didn’t know where his journey would take him,
there were scary times,
there were times when people let him down or he misunderstood their intentions,
there were times when he didn’t know what to do or who to trust,
there were times of exhaustion, grief, and upset.
Mixed with all of this were the wonderful new things he experienced for the
first time; things like the friendship of other children or even another adult
who wasn’t trying to take advantage of him.
David kept focussed on one important goal.
He didn’t always understand why especially in the early part of his
journey but he kept going.
He didn’t really know from his own experience what it would be like to be a son
or to call someone ‘mother’ or to have a place he could call ‘my home’. He had
experienced good and bad homes along the way.
But that didn’t put him off seeking
his mother and
his home.
In the end it was all worth it.
David is described by others as the boy who never smiled.
I imagine when he stepped into the arms of his mother and felt her warmth
and her tears, yes, maybe he was a little confused at first having never been
held this close before, but I believe he would have finally smiled for the first
time in a very long time.
Friends, we are going home.
We have no idea what the journey in the future will be like.
We have our struggles and joys in our travels at the moment.
Each of us is travelling on our own personal journey and no-one else can
do it for us. There are people who
can help us along the way and we are blessed by their strength and love and
reassurance. We are blessed to have
our Saviour travel with us who is able to give us contentment and strength even
in the toughest moments.
At our baptism and through his Word, God
has promised
to journey with us
through life with all its highs and lows until that time we walk through the
door into our heavenly home. In our
baptism, God promised to love us as a parent loves a child and will not abandon
us, even in the hour of our greatest need.
There may be times when we doubt his love for us but his love for us will
not be quenched. As the opening words of the Old Testament reading today stated,
“I, the Sovereign Lord, tell you that I
myself will look for my sheep and take care of them” (Ezekiel 34:11). And
when the journey is over we have Jesus’ promise, “I have gone to prepare a
place for you” and “those who
live and believe in me will never die.”
When I was reading
I am David at the beginning I wasn’t
too sure whether he would ever make it all the way to Denmark.
It was tough going. I
thought he might give up seeking his mother and settle with a family along the
way. I was fearful that even if he
went all the way that he would find that his mother wasn’t there or that this
woman wasn’t really his mother. He must
have struggled with these same thoughts. He
met some really difficult people and some really nice people and he often didn’t
know who was what. This was a tough
Maybe you can identify with David along his
journey at some point –
maybe you’re uncertain about the journey ahead;
maybe you’re okay with heaven but there are way too many hassles to deal with
right now and they’re taking up all your energy;
maybe it’s the people, dare I say it, the church people, around you who are
making things difficult:
maybe the journey is sometimes just plain hard going.
Paul is not unsympathetic with the
difficulties of travelling life’s journey, after all he had those difficulties
too. However, he comes back to the
one focus – Jesus. We are going
home and Jesus has made it possible.
The choir sang this beautiful anthem a
while ago and we joined in. Here are some of the
words again.
Going home, going home,
I'm just going home.
Jesus is the Door …;
Work all done, laid aside,
Fear and grief no more.
Friends are there, waiting now.
He is waiting, too.
See His smile! See His hand!
He will lead me through.*
Arms Fisher and Ken Bible 2002)
Friends, we can be certain – because of
Christ, we are going home.
© Pastor Vince
23rd November 2014